Sada Guru Sai Baba Ki Jai,
This post is being rewritten, there used to be a list of links pointing to The list of Aartis of Sai Baba performed in Shirdi. Those where only the videos. Now a list of Aartis of Saibaba performed in Shirdi will be provide below. Following the links, will take the Sai Baba devotee to that particular Sai Baba Aarti providing.
- the online videos embedded from google videos and youtube
- Lyrics or text of the Aarti of Sai Baba in English Hindi and Marathi Text
- Audio or mp3 files free download
- Meaning of the lyrics of Aarti of Shirdi Sai Baba
- Mp3 download of each aarti songs played by Sri Saibaba Sansthan Shirdi.
A little about Aarti
Aarti is a ritual performed in front of image, idol of deities or Sage and Saints. The meaning of Aarti in Sanskrit points towards developing love towards God or Guru in form of Sat Chit Anand. 'Aa' means towards and 'rati' means virtue. Artis are performed both at Mandir (Temple) and

All the Aarti rituals daily performed in Shirdi Temple started when Sai Baba did His leelas as embodied form of Sat Chit Ananda.
Aartis are usually performed at five times a day or less than that. Morning sunrise time and evening sunset time are considered as divine evoking times. So these two times are termed as best times for evoking love for God. Aarti as a ritual to evoke the divine feeling thus is performed at these two times. If five Aartis are perfoemed in a day, usually a second one follows in the morning after the sunrise aarti. Noon aarti is performed in the mid noon time.
How Aarti is done
Vocals : Aarti is a simple fire ritual, where devotees gathers often in large number and sings the aarti in unison. It evokes great spiritual energy. Moreover when lot's of people gather and sing the divine lyrics of Aarti all the minds are on one thing, the aarti. Arati lyrics contains the words and shlokas in praise of the divine. Hence at the subtle and mental level all the participants put their mind on the divine.

The ritual helps the devotee to invoke the spiritual and sacred feelings in them and ward off the evil influences one might have got in the course of daily routine life. For those deep in love with God or the sacred the Aarti brings about divine mystic ecstasy in them. Just as an alcoholic is drawn towards the wine or any other alcoholic drink, the devotee is drawn towards this divinely pleasing ritual of the sacred. Sai Baba's devotees shouts in the ecstasy "Sat Chit Anand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai" (Victory unto the Guru Sai Baba, the truth, the concsiouness and the divine joy).
For those who have still not developed intense love for God, the simple fire ritual of Aarti helps in exorcising the bad effects of an 'evil-eye' (dristi dosha), and regular practice of performing Aartis thus results in developing the love towards the God, the Divine, the sacred, the divine ecstasy. Aum Sadguru Sairam. The lamp fire charged with spiritual energy is taken to all the devotees who pass their hands over it and put the palms on their forehead. A gesture of receiving the sacred energy in thier minds.
acoustics in aarti :Along with the singing and rotating the lamp is the acoustic that goes with the aarti. Usually small bells are played. The sound of the bell makes an effect at deeper level of minds. In temple along with the bells, more musical instruments like drums, tabla, blowing of Sankh are played, adding to the sacred and divine environment.
Aroma : Another important part of the Aarti is Aroma. aromatic flowers are offered to the sacred. aromatic incense is burnt, dhoop ( a powder of loban or aromatic powder made from herbs and tree barks, prescribed in Hindu tradition, is sprinkled on red hot burning charcoal. This fills the place with aromatic smoke) is done before the aarti. Dhoop is also prescribed in many religion for creating sacred environment and warding off evil energies.
Food and cleanliness : Food is offered before the aartis to the divine and after the aarti ritual is over is passed onto all present at the moment. Devotees eat a bit from that as consecrated food (prasad). In the morning aarti the Idol or the picture is given a bath with aromatic water. Before all the aarti begins the place is cleaned thoroughly.
History of Aartis in Shirdi
Below is the link from this blog to download all Sai Baba Aarti mp3 files
Sai Baba aarti mp3 downloads Shirdi Temple - Aartis and chants and songs sung and played in Sai Baba Samadhi Temple Shirdi.
The Arati Sai Baba book by Sri Sainathuni Sarath Babuji in pdf format can downloaded here. It contains good
English Transliteration of the Original Marathi arati songs
with an English Translation, Introduction and commentary.
Shree sadchit anand sadguru sainaath maharaaj ki jai
श्री सद्चित आनंद सदगुरु साइनाथ महाराज की जय
Since there are many aartis only videos have been posted below. Below the the videos are the link given for the lyrics and meaning of each aarti for which another blog has been made.
List of videos of Aarti of Sai Baba performed in Sai Baba Mandir (Samadhi Temple), the sacred tomb Shrine of Sai Baba in Shirdi.
शिर्डी साई बाबा की आरतियाँ मराठी मैं हिन्दी अनुवाद के साथ
Kakad Morning Wake up Arati
meaning of kakad a cloth is dipped in ghee this cloth is then wrapped around a stick and lighted with fire to perform the aarthi.
काकड़ का अर्थ। एक कपड़े को घी में दुबौते है। इस घी में दुबैती हुए कपड़े को लकड़ी पर लपेट के आरती की ज्योत जलाई जाती है ।
Time duration of the above video is 38 minutes 32 seconds.
The morning Kakad Aarti begins at 4.15 a.m. in Saibaba Mandir (Samadhi Temple) the sacred tomb shrine of Sai Baba in Shirdi.
List of Aartis sung in the above video
Utha utha (song sung to wake up Sai Baba) Utha-Utha
Download mp3 of utha utha (To download the audio mp3 file right click as select save link as or save target as)
Download mp3 of ghan syam
Jai Jagdish Hare - A universal aarti sung in Hindu religion Om-Jay-Jagadish Hare
Download mp3 of Jai Jagdish Hare (To download the audio mp3 file right click as select save link as or save target as)
Joduniya kar
Download download mp3 of Joduniya kar
Joduniya kar is the first Aarti among the other aartis sung in the morning Kakad Aarti in Shirdi
Joduniya kar lyrics or text in English with translation and meaning in English Script
Joduniya kar Lyircs or text in Marathi Script with meanings in Hindi
The second Aarti that follows the above is Utha Panduranga composed by Saint Janabai
Lyrics in English with translation of Utha Panduranga composed by Saint Janabai
Download Uttha Panduranga free mp3 Here.
Lyrics of Uttha Panduranga aarti in Marathi script and meaning or translation in Hindi language
Utha Utha Shri SaiNatha - bhupali raag is the third aarti of morning wake up Aarti performed in Shirdi
Download Uttha Uthha Shri SaiNatha mp3 free - Here
Lyrics in English text and translation of Utha Utha (Bhupali) composed by Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma
Lyrics of Uttha Panduranga aarti in Marathi script and meaning or translation in Hindi language
Lyrics of Utha Utha (Bhupali) composed by Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma in Marathi Script with meaning in Hindi Language
Lyrics of Shirdi Sai Baba morning Kakad Aarti Darshan Dyavah (Bhupali)
Panchaarti composed by Shri Krishna Jogeshwar Bhismaa
Chinmayan Roop composed by Jogeshwar Bhisma
Aarti is also spelled as Aarthi, arti, arati, aarathi
Word to Word meanings in English of All Shirdi Sai Baba Aartis sung in Shirdi Samadhi Temple
Word to Word tranlation in English of Kakad Aarti Shirdi
Word to word transation in English -Madhyana Aarti Afternoon Arati Shirdi
Word to word translation in English-Dhoop Aarti Evening Sunset Arati Shirdi
Shirdi Sai Baba Dhoop Aarti (Evening) video with lyrics subtitles below.
Above video starts with Aarti Saibaba (<---Click for Lyrics in English, Marathi and meaning in Hindi of Arati Sai Baba).
Click Here To download free audio mp3 file of Arati Sai Baba.
om sai ram
how can i download these videos ... can u help plz
On the right side of the video you will see a tab written download. next to it select whether you want to dwon load it for windows/Mac or for Video iPod/Sony PSP. Press on the download and you will be able to download the video. However since the file size is too large, you will need a download manager, the download can take quite a long time.
Hi alpesh,
om sai ram!!
you gave a fabulous gift to everyone who loves sai baba.its really a valuable gift to us
jai shri sai baba ki!!!!!
To download the files you need windows xp or higher first download Google Video player and install it and then you will be able to download the videos of Aartis. Large file takes a long time for download, but it is worth as we can watch the Sai Baba aartis and feel like present In Shirdi, while watching. For tamil videos you might search for the same in google video search there are few and i will psot them on this blog too.
Hello Everyone,
Can someone send me the text format of Shirdi Sai baba Dhooparti. I am not able to find one.
Hi Alpesh,
You have done a wonderful job. everyday at work I listen and see the aarti's especially the Kakad aarthi. Its beautiful. It gives peace of mind. Thank you so much.
Yes Kakad Arati is very powerful, if you listen it online with live darshan provided with Sansthan it will prove more effective.
Hi Alpesh
You have done a good job.
Could you please tell me where I could get sai baba new arathi videos where baba sits on a golden throne.Are these videos available or not.I found videos in your blog where baba sits on silver throne but not golden throne.Please provide me some info. my mail id is narayana.konakalla@gmail.com
Hello.. does anyone have a zip file with all the old saibaba bhajans.. like those by priti sagar.. Also I was looking for the das ganu version of Rehmnazar karo ina zip file.. please email it to irani.natasha@gmail.com
The links of the Sai Aartis are not working please do something fast ....
Thanks Raj for pointing it out, we are working on changing the whole layout and this page and make it a better experience for those looking for Sai Baba aartis in Shirdi, Videos audios and lyrics with meaning.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for developing a site like this and helping people get close to baba by even staying very far
Om Sai Ram Minal,
For Sai Baba chalisa in Hindi download you may visit http://shirdisaibababhajan.blogspot.com/2009/05/shri-sai-chalisa-in-hindi.html
Thanks to Baba for making it happen through me :) (to the anonymous comment above)
Om Sai Ram,
You can buy DVD and CD of Sai Baba's aarti performed in Shirdi Samadhi temple, from Shree Sai Baba Sansthan's shop in Shirdi.
Need Lyrics In Tamil Fonts
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Om Sai Ram!
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