Kakad Arati
(Morning Arati)
Composed by:: Sant Tukaram Maharaj
Joduniyaa kara charanee ttevilaa maatha
Parisaawee vinanthee maajzee sadgurunaathaa
Aso naso bhaava aalo tujziyaa ttaayaa
Kripaa drishtee paahe majzkade sadgururaayaa
Akhandeeta asaave aise vaatate paayee
Saandoonee sankoch ttaava todaasaa deyee
Tukaahmane devaa maajzee vedeevaakudee
naame bhavapaasaa haathee aapulyaa thondi
With folded hands I bow down to thee, Oh Sadgurunath, please pay heed to my prayer!
I have resorted to thee with or without having ardent devotion! Yet, Oh sadgururaya, I beg thee to
cast thy glances of grace at me (discounting the degree of my devotion);
I aspire to adore thy holy-feet incessantly forever and anon; I pray thee to put aside all hesitation
and condescend to allow a little room for me at thy holy feet;
(I,) Tukaram implores thee, to free me from any unmindfulness in my contemplation of thy Holy
Name and, free me from all mundane attachments!
"Arati Sai Baba"
(Book of Shirdi Aratis)
English Transliteration of the Original Marathi arati songs
with an English Translation, Introduction and commentary
Sri Sainathuni Sarath Babuji
Published by
Saipatham Publications
P.O.Box No.1277
Opp.Kacheguda Rly.Station
Hyderabad, 500 027
Phone & Fax:: 663385, 666370
I pray Shri Saibaba to bless all devotese.
"Sabakaa Malik Ek"
Quotes Collection : Collection & Compilation
sai baba u r everywher... be with us always to show us the right path.
Baba .... You are really great ... Bless all and keep everyone happy ...
Sai Baba, you are my best friend...Please be always like this....and never leave me alone....
sai baba please be with me and help me out in all aspects please sai baba
thanks for looking us sai natha.sai natha please i didn't get job from last 10 months i am jobless. if i have done any mistakes please forgive me . please sai natha help me in getting job not only me also help others also pleaseeeeeeee sai .
i love u baba. i know u r alw with us.we cn forget u but u nvr forget us.
om sai ram beleive in him ,trust him u will achieve bliss in life
I trust you the most in this world god! Please bless my family, my husbands family and me ! Give us peace of mind . Be with us forever sai baba ji.
Sab ka malik ek !
om sai shree sai jaya jaya sai
om sai shree sai jaya jaya sai
om sai shree sai jaya jaya sai
Om Sai nathay namah !!
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