Online Darshan | Live Darshan | Baba Ki Samadhi | Live Sirdi Darshan | Live Samadhi Darshan | Samadhi Ke Darshan
A new service by Sri Sai Baba Sansthan of Shirdi is making stirs on web, the live darshan of Samadhi Temple and DwarkaMai or Masjid Mai. Darshans are shown live from Indian Standard Time 5.00 morning to 10.20 night (Indian Standard Time) with a time offset of UTC+5:30. , when the Mandir is open for darshan.
Link for live darshan of Samadhi Temple
Link for live darshan of Masjid Mai or Dwarkamai
Link for viewing live darshan of Samahi Temple and Dwarkmai
When visiting Sri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust's website be sure to visit the link from internet explorer browser. The darshan video feed does not work in Mozilla firefox browser.
The video works in google chrome browser. Online darshan on google chrome is a better experience as the browser comes with minimum fuss, nice simple white background.
live online darshan of Kashi Vishwanath temple click here for full screen darshan
Live online darshan of Shiddhi Vinayak Temple of Mumbai also called Mumbai Cha Raja click here.
Dear Alpesh Bhai,
I have to thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing my beloved SAI live into my home.I have been trying for days to get the live darshan( online ) of shirdi but somehow i wasn't successful.I felt unhappy and thought in my mind that may be i am not that lucky enough to see it.But now on this happy occasion of hindu new year i just came across your blog and LO! SAIBABA WAS THERE VERY MUCH LIVE.I am so happy i cannot describe my feelings.Thankyou SAIBANDHU .
hey alpesh
may sai baba bless you
nice site and thanks especially for this link
been looking for it :)
Hi Alpesh,
Thanks for the site.
Sairam sairam ...
Hi Alpesh,
Thank You Very Much for the live darshan link.May god bless you...
Great job for the benefit of devotees..
Thank you for the live darshan. Its beautiful. Its make me happy to listen to the darshan. I dont know how much to thank u.
ALpesh Ji,
By any chance do you have any idea about the Chant they play at Samadhi Mandhir between 7pm and 8 pm?
I've asked a few devotees about it but so far no avail.
Wonder if that divine music is available anywhere in stores!
Hi Srikanth,
I don't know which chant's you are talking about. Download Audio on the links of Audio provided by Shri Sai Baba Sansthan you might find it. As Sai Baba Sansthan have put almost all the audio files played in Shirdi, on it's site.
Aplesh ji,
I've checked out the audio section long back but it's not available there.
I went to shirdi in Feb where i heard this music for the first time. It's played everyday in Samadhi Mandhir between 7pm (India Time) before live Bhajans.
Just check out live dharshan by that time and you'll hear it. Am sure you'd be addicted to it.
Sai Ram Srikanth,
Ok i will check that out, right now my speakers are given for repair so cannot listen. Will do so as soon as i get them. Have a feeling in my heart that will be visiting Shirdi Shortly, :) then may be will listen to it Live in Shirdi. :) :) :) , and call me Alpesh that much is enough my friend.
//Have a feeling in my heart that will be visiting Shirdi Shortly, :) //
Sairam Alpesh,
Such a desire is enough for Baba to pull you there!
You have a nice blog...quite informative! Good luck for this Sai Seva!
God bless!
Thanks a lot directly from my heart Srikanth
A Great Thanks from All Sai bhakta ... :)
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for the links..and your blog is excellent too...just reading it makes the mind peaceful..THANK YOU SO MUCH ONCE AGAIN
Thanks Alpesh for providing the link. The experience of darshan cannot be explained by words.
I have also come across a good site that allows downloads of various publications of Sai Baba's life and his devotees experiences in word or PDF documents and would like to share it through this blog. The link is http://www.saileelas.org/books.htm
Om Sainathay namaha
Dear Alpesh,
Thanks for the site. The Samadhi view is fixed and only the Sanctum Sanctorum is visible. In contrast the Dwarkamai site provides true movie. At Samadhi site during Arti the Priest stands in such a way that the view to the deepak is blocked. The angle of the camera or the Priest be changed and fullview of moving devotees with keep one glued to the site.Is it possible?
Yours sincerely
U.C. Chaturvedi
i am not able to view the videos at all. though i have a higher version of the player, it throws error. even in the sai's site, it doesnt play but doesnt throw any error msg.
Dear Alpesh,
Nice job. Thanks a lot for bringing baba to my home. may Baba bless you. Thanks. Keep it up. = Shiva =
Hi Buddy,
Very nice job..... I must Thank you from my bottom of the heart...
May Baba Bless one and All....
Thank you
Hi 1 week onwards link for live darshan of samadhi temple is not working. Problem is not connecting.
hi some one can post any link to connect for live darshan
OM Sai Ram
Oh Sai, I know you are with us but sometimes i start thinking about my and my husbands future. Please help us and give us for which i have been praying from a long time.
this is a link where you can have direct darshan of shirdi sai baba
OM Sai ram
om saai ram
Hello Alpeshji,
Thank u very much for this link, we are very much exited.
Sai Baba will bless u.
hi Alpesh,
thank u so much for making it possible to experience baba's darshan though far from shirdi, baba will belss u for sure. a small problem though im having problems in getting the connection after a week and keeeps giving me error message pls help.
Hi alpesh,
Nice site,nowadays i am going thru tremendous situation,i pray no one shud go thru such.Parents of my love donot agree to our marriage,n emotionally pressurized her by threatening her of their life if she marry me.now she had decided n send me msg thru her friend to forget her,she cant marry me.But only we now what we suffering every moment.I have faith in saibaba, i pray him every moment from depth of my heart.I request you all to please pray for us.I want my true love back n her parents accept us n everything should be ok.
i watch the live darshan everyday with baba's blessing but one thing really bothers me, if you can tackle this then it would be really appreciated. I dont agree at all the way the pandits throw har and flowers on samadhi when accepting from devotee's, seems very unrespectful. thats baba's samadhi and baba is there still so how do u throw smthng on top like tht????
please if you can try and stop that, lets be more respectful.
Hi Alpesh,
I'm not able to access the above links. None of them are working for me. Please let me know the working links. It will be very very... to me.
Aum Sai Ram,
The links are provided by Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Shirdi. Keep trying it should work in few days.
This happens a sometimes, that the links does not work.
sai ram,
for the last 2 weeks i have been unable to connect to the live darshan meaning im missing baba's arti's and darshan.... i feel very down when this happens, please if you do have any alternative sites for connecting kindly kindly give it please
may sai bless you for the good job that you are doing.
sainath maraj ki jai!
On Sai Ram,
Baba i pray to you please take away all the pain that comes in my parents way and all the suffering and illness they have kindly cure it and let them always be happy.
Jai Sain Nath maharaj
i m jaanvi.
today i open this site 4 the 1st time.and i m very much excited to see all this.i cant believe that i got live darshan of sadguru sai ram.i m sooooo lucky.i pray to sai ram that pls keep my parents always smiling......
jai sai ram.
Jai Sai Ram...
Thank u sooooooo much Alpesh ji.. i really dont know how much to thank u for this gr8 job done.. now i can see my Sai as many times as i want... i watch live Darshan almost everyday n it feels as if we r at Shirdi with Baba : )
Also can u tell me which chant do they play at Samadhi Mandir between 7-8 pm???
Sai Bhakt-Shweta
hiiiiii alpeshhh
i thank u deeply from my heart for providing the link of live darshan
may god bless uuu
i hope & request u to continue this in ur blog forever......pleaseeee
and also continue ur blogging
om sai ram,
i have surrendered to you all my life baba , you know everything thats happening in my life , get me out of this situation and fulfill my dreams and wishes baba....
Jai Sai Ram,
Thank u sooo much Baba ji... once again u have shown me that u are there for us.. listening to our prayers & responding.. Apni kripa sab par rakhna...
"He will bring u to it & he will bring u through it"
Jai Sai Ram
Oh divine Teacher, the ruler of everything
Guide me in everyway and in every small thing,
You are holy and pure and majestic
Let me not be greedy , angry or egoistic
You rule the hearts and destinies of all
You will never let your devotees fall
Blessed is the man who falls at your feet
Pray in all my future births we will meet
Never leave me oh Faithful Friend
I will always be Yours even after my end
Let us drink Your heavenly looks
Once we see You , there is no need of books
Oh Baba let me serve you night and day
At Your holy feet I always lay
You are the only one who'll liberate me,
And then we will be one for eternity.
Sai Ram,
Please bless me with good job and protect our family. Please forgive for whatever wrong things i have done in the past.
You are everything to our family and your blessing and guidance is much needed.
Baba ji,thanx fr being wth us all d time.. u hv always been wth me in all good n bad times...
Never leave me alone baba... u r everythin for me... i love u sai : )
Om Sai Ram,
Year 2009 starts on 1st Jan 2009 with baba's day(thrusday), again ends on baba's day(thrusday)31st Dec 2009. Moreover 2009=2+0+0+9=11, means baba's 11 vachan
A very Happy new year to all sai devotees..Jai Sai Ram
thank you for making a wonderful blog. om sai ram
i love u baba ji please help me please baba ji
i realy love u baba ji baba ji es balak ke dukh har lo apne sharan maine le lo app ki sharan maine ayee huua ko dukh pass bhai nahi aa sakta, i stongly belive that baba will listen my heart voice and i want to go in babas sharn please baba ji please please
Hi Alpesh,
Thanks a lot for the links. Have been looking for a long time for it. May Sai's blessings be bestowed upon u always.
jai sai ram i heartly faith of u. u always with me
baba ji aap mera humesha sath dena dukh me bhi sukh me bhi shirdi wasaai wid mahe shri sachdanand satguru sai nath maharaj ki jai
Dear Alpesh,
we watch the live darshan at Baba's Samadhi and see how people are in such high degree of disorganised circumstances and push you push me and lots of jostling...........why dont the security we can see in caps and uniform allow only five persons from each queue to approach the samadhi platform so this jostling stops.....please contact Shirdi authorities and show my mail as example.....please more people write about this.......more peace at baba's Samadhi.
Mr. Nariewalla,
Om Sai Ram,
I do understand your concern, It is a sacred pace where devotees should get some time with peace of mind to get the darshan. You can directly write to the Sansthan about the same.
I think it is quit difficult. Many years ago i almost had a feud with a security guy at GuruSthan where he was constantly shouting and pushing the devotees to move away soon. i started shouting at him to stop the noise he was creating and let the devotees have the darshan in peace. No sooner did i started shouting at him, other devotees obviously getting tortured by his constant shouts joined me and he had to keep quite.
But these days it will be a huge task. The crowds in Shirdi gets bigger and bigger. There are many security guys working, Sansthan should have few training sessions for those working there and make them understand, that the devotees coming to have darshan should be treated with respect. Somehow it becomes impossible when there are 100s and 1000s of devotees queued up and some would be getting the Samdhi darshan after hours of waiting in the queue.
Once i attended Bhauji's talk. He was talking about the future of Meher Baba's Samadhi. He said that at Samadhi it is the perfect Master or avataar who does the work. Each one reach the samadhi when they are called. There might be instances when after long waiting the devotee or spiritual seeker might not even get a glimpse ot Samadhi. But it is not the devotee or seeker that does the work there. Even if the one taking darshan cannot get a glimpse the perfect master (Sai Baba of Shirdi in this case) has already given him/her the spiritual push needed for him/her.
Thank you, Alpesh. You are right on all you say and especially what you say about reaching Samadhi only when you are called and even those who do not reach, it is only the will of the Perfect Master, but the spiritual push is given, you are right.
Hi Aplesh,
Thank You So Much for giving these links.
it is very awesome. Please god help me.
Om sai ram.
Hi Alpesh,
Thank u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for such a beautiful, delightful and satisfying darshanam.
-Chandana Sriram
Thank You So Much for giving these links.
it is very usefull. Please god help me.
Pundlik. Y. Rasalkar
Nowadays They dont anybody inside the dwarkamayi during if it is becomes little bit crowded also...
Only VIPs are allowed near Baba and Gurusthan
I remember how much people wait to feed Baba their Thali with their own hands .. Irrespective they send only rich and VIPs known to them,.. Or if give them some money.. Why this partiality near Baba,,
How will poor people like me reach Baba ..
Please tell samsthan tell our tears.. Our poor tears..
For Aarthi We wait a day and night but they give preference to VIPs ... Wherever you at shiridi VIPs are only given chance to Be with Baba at samadhi for a long time .. For us nothing is left
Only thing Left for the Poor like us is Cry to Baba to touch his feet ...
Somebody who is a member of the Samsthan Trust please take this forward and Help the Poor like us ... We need Baba like everybody.. We dont have money to Give to anybody to any Pujari or security ..
Baba will Bless You .. if u look into this
Aum Sai Ram Sudha,
Yes the points in your comments are heart touching. But don't lose heart. Baba is with the meek and poor. Meek and poor in terms of ego. Baba is always with them who love Him dearly and your words and pain shows the love towards Baba.
VIP may get a place in Dwarkamai or a place neat Samadhi during Aarti, but only those who love Baba, Baba takes place in their hearts and is always with them. Baba is not limited to Samadhi Temple and Dwarkamai. If you love Baba dearly He is always with you.
Baba's real place is in our heart. So keep Him there all the time. Also if you like to sit in Dwarkamai go there after 10 in night. The outer place where Baba used to cook, The stone on which Baba used to sit. This place remains open whole night. So you can sit in peace and be with Baba.
Don't rely on somebody to do something. But pray to Baba and rely on Baba only.
All Baba needs is intense love and devotion. So all kind of intensity we get should be directed to Sai Baba.
Thanx for the wonderful work Apleshji..Today I started reading Sai Satcharitra and I got darshan online also..So much peace of mind today..
bhaisaab, shirdi ke sai baba par hamari puri aastha he. me or mera pura parivar baba ko bahot jyada mante he . unke aashirvad se hi hum log aaj is mukam tak pahuch paye he. thakyou. jai sairam
Dear Alpeshbhai,
please remove the ad window "when will you die?"- the hideous evil sounding voice and the profile of a devil is not befitting this sacred and beautiful site.
Dear Mr. Nariewalla,
if you can send me the url of website that advertise i can block it. You can email for the same.
It's done Mr Nariewalla thanks.
Thanks for the wonderful darshan of Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sachchidanand Sadguru Shree Sainath Maharaj
Dear Alpeshbhai and visitors to this superb website,
no one has observed/discussed why no individuals or family ever came forward, in Sai's lifetime or later, to claim that Sai Baba is my/our son, sibling-brother, or cousin or distant relative, or from my village/town. Really very awesome, a great mystery we will find hard to solve.
Yes Mr. Narielwalla and when such question was put to Sai Baba himself. He looked in the eyes of the questioner and he/she would bow in silence.
So it is enough for us that He is the Universal Perfect Master, and relative to all of us. Helping each of us in various manners.
om sai ram...can somebody please help me out..iam not being able to have live darshan of shirdi since last 2 days...there is no error message coming and i have the latest configuration on my laptop..was being to have darshan everyday but not being able to have it since last two days..im getting very worried..priyanka
this site is a wonderful medium for sai bhaktas to connect with sai baba.OM SAI SHIRI SAI JAI JAI SAI.
Om Sai Ram, please guide us. Please forgive us. Please bless us. Please accept our love. Please accept our donations.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Jai Sai Ram
Road to Shirdi is very much crowded especially on Saturday & Sunday as a lot of slow work i progress is going on since last 2 years, i was stuck for more than 4 hrs in traffic near igatpuri cross
om sai ram
hellow do you have any idea which company is providing us this live darshan service.
if u want shirdi sai bab (dwarkamai) live darshan put tata sky and then watch it is much better than watching it online
I got a nice experience during my visit to Shridhi in the year 2006,it was rich in faith and people there are still living in the ancient style.Iappreciate it a lot.Whenever I the live darshan there's a feeling that I am there. Would like to get one more chance.Wish BABA bless my family.
baba i always love you truly,sincerly,lead me in a right way
baba i and my family truly, sincerly, love u, trust u,believe in u,have faith in u, so please lead us in a right way and right direction, and forgive and erase our sins and bless us
I thank you whole heartdly for what ever you have and doing in my life. Thanks a lot and i want your blessing on me and my family forever and please give strength on the situation what i am facing now. i know you will take care of this situation soon.
om sai ram,
i have surrendered to you all my life baba , you know everything thats happening in my life , get me out of this situation and fulfill my dreams and wishes baba.... Deepak
om sai ram,
i have surrendered to you all my life baba , you know everything thats happening in my life , get me out of this situation and fulfill my dreams and wishes baba....
Om Sai Ram
C.P.Rao. Senior journalist, Chittoor. Andhra Pradesh.
Live Darsan of Shirdi Sai Baba is the fortune and boon for all the global devotees of Shirdi Saibaba. I sincerely suggest the Tirumala Tiupati Devasthanam authorities ( TTD) to follow the same so that the devotees of Lord Balaji will thank the Shirdi Sai Sansthan. IT BECOMES A PART AND PARCEL IN MY LIFE TO ENJOY THE LIVE DARSAM OF sHIRDI SAI BABA RIGHT FROM kAGADA AARATI TO SHEJ AARATI
Om Sai Ram..
Sai Baba is everything for me..
Sai listen to each and every person who speak out baba's name heartly..
sai baba,u are n will always be in my heart.please listen baba...
am not able to open the link it is showing me error in windows media player as
""Windows Media Player cannot find the file. If you are trying to play, burn, or sync an item that is in your library, the item might point to a file that has been moved, renamed, or deleted."'
how can i rectify the error please let me know .. thanking you
Jai Sai Ram...
Please let us know when we will be able to view Saibaba...waiting for Darshan
om sai ram.. i love u sai.. meri wish puri kardo ... aur mujhe pass kardo baba. and hamesha b with me hamesha plz we need u
sai baba please help me to be always peaceful and become happy and please be with me always and bless me and my family at all places and times
oh mere sai my wish about youngest brother"s vinit ko kashto se mukti de aur uski har wish ko fulfil kare-it is my heartily wish to my beloved God. SHASHI
jay sai nath
Anant Koti Brahmmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj
Prambramha Shri Sachchidanand Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jay
Sai Baba Aap Mujhe Is Kabil Banaye Ki Mai Kisi
Jarurat Mand Ki Sahayta Kar Sakun,
Rakesh Kumar Tailor
Jay Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jay
hai alpesh
i want to tel u one thing open heartly.last year i got sick like anything and then i came to india.bcos i stay in singapore and i am housewife and i got one child(4 years).then i decieded to cut my feet.but me and my mother pray to baba.then suddenly somebody say one homeopathy doctor is there then he can solve my problem.c how baba creat,really its a miracle for me.finally i meet the doctor,he gave some medicine.i use that medicine now i my health is perfectly alright.i am so happy.now i my pooja mandir and alover at my home baba photos only.
then i back to singapore i conduct sai baba bhajan now u know my husband buy house here.i am so happy now.bcos of baba only.
baba is great
Mona said...
Thanks for everything Baba I love you baba...
Baba Please, Call me to Shiradi for forever to live there. please Sai Baba...
When you came to me I could not recognize you for which I beg you to pardon me and come again to see me.
ever yours
i am ankit solanki
sai baba is great,baba muje per krepa bnae rkhna
baba pe mera bahut vishwaas hai....usne hamesha meri hifaazat ki hai...aur mera vishwaas hai ki aage bhi karega.....jai sai naath.....wo sabki manokaamna poori karey
JAY SAIBABA i love sai baba,i trust in saibaba
plz baba meri shahaita karena.
Jai Sai Ram,
Unable to view the live darshan,from past two weeks,please let us have the oppurtunity to have BABA's live darshan...eagerly waiting to see you BABA.
i have a problem viewing live darshan site from past few weeks, could someone throw some light on what could have gone wrong. i click on ready and nothing happens. appreciate any help
Om Sai Ram Satya,
The link to live darshan directly via windows media player or similar software was here on the blog. Benefit was we can have live darshan in full screen. This service is provided by Shri Sai Baba Sansthan (Shirdi) and due to heavy traffic they have opted for live darshan in small window.
So the link is not working. You will have to visit http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/shirdilivedarshan1.htm for live darshan.
Dear Alpesh bhai
I am unable to get online darshan. Please give alternate links, if any.
Shirdi sai baba ki jai
Iam unable to view the online darshan..I implore everyone to say any way to get the online darshan..
BABA My life belongs to you, Once i suffered at death sentence You gave me a new life, iam gonna live for everyone behalf of you.,
baba aap ka aashirwad mere pariwar per sada hi bana rahe rajsunita
jai sai baba
Thanknu So much
Arun From Dharwad(Karnatak)
The Great service done for all sshirdi sai baba devotees
keep it up thank you
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Om Sai Ram!
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