Stories of Sai Baba, we come across many incidents where the Devotees want something and Sai Baba gives something else. It is the love of Sai Baba which, is always looking for the ultimate benefit of his beloved devotees, that he works that way. Many devotees went to Sai Baba for their desires to be satisfied and got much more precious than what their mind had asked for. Many a times the devotees went with their wishes, and Sai Baba knowing the consequences, stopped them from doing so. So it is best for us to love him ask for his grace, and not feel worried if the we feel that the prayers were not ansered. We should,Leave the result to him as it happens because of his love.
Om sai ram... BABA IS GREAT....BABA's love is for all,and for each of his lovers to help others know this,his or her own life must be a radiating example of love so that it may become the instrument to spread Baba's love and the truth of reality... "Have Faith " Turn to God in complete surrenderance and receive the divine love.we are equally a part of the one indivisible divine life. SAI RAM...SAI RAM......SAI RAM.... BABA BLESS U........
Om sai ram, Is it is true that leave the result to sai baba, because all that happen is the wish of saibaba. i am in very deep trouble. it all happen because of my wrong decision or it is sai baba wish. i can't understand. i am not selected in pcs exams and also i am too alone. due to exams i am not married to the person who like me. Now i have nothing in my hand. i think it is all happen due to my decision, because baba has already give me everything. i will end my life, because i am suffering from that punishment which i have not done. sai baba please help me.
Om Sai ram, I have left my every trouble to Saibaba. My husband is not with me, because of my wrong statement to the court. Now at this time he is in the jail. I am alone baba, i want my husband Ravi to come back to me from jail for ever. Otherwise what i will do with my life, I am a big zero without my husband. Sai baba please help me and my family.
Om Sai Ram,
Baba,Firstly i would like to thank you for being with me at each and every second of my life.I do not know why I am facing a lot of problems and i am feeling very tired.Please help me in resolving the issues.I am helpless and totally destroyed.Please give me peace of mind.I beg you baba.
Om SHRI SAI BABA, Thank youvery much baba for being with this family...due to my past mistakes i have put my self into trouble some one wants to destroy my future you only can save me baba.please forgive me baba..please help me.. iam falling in your holy feet and begging you BABA save me BABA...i have lost my happiness you only can save me baba from my troubles
BABA you alone can save me from my troubles please forgive me for my mistakes...OM SHRI SAI RAM
BABA I have no idea what is going on my life..i have complete faith in ou but something in me mkes me worried,i have no control over myself,my desires,i am big loser i believe please help me out,i want to be a good person in my life which i think i could never be..please help me out..if there are troubles i need to face then please give me courage to face..i feel shattered,i feel horrible..you have been there all the way,please never leave me am nothin without you please be with me...please hepl me out..am SOORY for all the mistakes,i dont want to repeat them please them do this...OM SAI RAM..
Sairam i surrender myself to you. Hold me, lift me and guide me. help me to control my temper and be good to everyone. Equip me to face all the hardships in my life. i surrender my family members to you. Give them good health and peace of mind.
Thank you Sai as i know you are the saviour:)
om sai ram.......baba ur every words is an eye opener for me....satguru thank u for giving me a blessed life...forgive me for my wrong karmas im ur child..n keep me in ur lotus feet i know ur with me always i m ur kite keep me flying wherever u want to,im ur puppet mak me dance the way u want to..i want to surrender myself to u BABA,take all my problems n worries n shower ur blessings...satguru sai nath maharaj ki jai!!!
baba forgive me for my bad actions.........n i surrender all my people to u.u r the saviour sai...n sorry sai for ever whenever i hav blamed anything on u coz i know...ur going to wish the best for me...MY SAI LOVE U SO MUCH BLESS ME............SAINATH MAHARAJ KI JAI...OM SAI RAM
BABA baba baba, my desire could be very petty but I have been holding on to it secretly for more than 15 years... Today I am crying baba. Please grant my desire baba. I am very sure that you will fullfill my wish.. SAINATH MAHARAJ KI JAI... OM SAI..OM SAI...OM SAI...
My and my family are very thankful to you for being with us in every walk of my life. Though I red SAI SATCHARITRA many times, just now realized that what ever we ask you is temporary, but whatever you give is permanent and allways for the good of your devotee. Please forgive me of any mistake that I did knowingly or unknowingly. Please bless all of us to have a place at your lotus feet and distroy our ahankar, bless us to allways have faith and patience in you in all walks of our lives.
Dearest Baba,
I have surrendered to you totally. I do not understand to take any decision. I have left fully into you and am waiting for the solution. Please be with my family always and look after my parents. You are our saviour and please do not leave us ever Baba.
sai baba please help my uttam
you know baba i am in a crisis please shower your blessings and take me out of my bad times
sai baba iam in a crisis please shower your miracle and blessings and take me out of my bad times
Dear Sai, You are my thought and my actions are your wishes... please guide me in your dictions always... sometimes i feel that i am very far from you.. miss u too some times... yesterdy i read in one article, that prayer intensifies when problem grows. Why this happens to me Baba... I am away from you.... please make me be with you always... I love U Baba
Jai Sai Ram............ I want my brother back in his job...please BABA... why this happened to him... when he was changing to good... please BABA, bless my brother...
Sai Baba i am feeling very lonely. My lover left me because i told the truth to him. I am suffering from punishment which i have not even. i am very helpless and you are my only hope. please sai baba help me. I have love towards you and you are only my support
Shri Sai,
My Kees left me because of my behaviour. I am willing to change and promised . I want him back in my life as i never had one in the past. Please give him back to me as my husband.i will be sincere and honest to him for ever to live with him
Pm sri Saibaba, please help him see my love and i want my Kees back in my life as my husband. Please give him back. He still loves me but there is another woman now in btwn us. Please, all this is because of my mistake Baba. Please help me
Baba Please Help her..she is suffering for what she had done trusting a person who just made use of her...Please baba give her happiness & make her your true devotee..
I LOVE YOU & TRUST YOU BABA from my bottom of heart...please help her
Om Sai Ram
Sri Saibaba, please help me. my husband needs good job.pl give him good job baba, i belive u very much. please baba give him happiness and make him your true devotee, please help me and my husband, please forgive me my mistakes... and give him good job baba,
om sri sai ram
BABA what you hve done is correct,what you are doing is correct and what will do is correct.Enlighten my faith in you .do take whenever i lose my faith you take me in your srine and guide to your believe ...I beleive you and i have no one to LOVE me as you can .Plz Love and guide me as per your wish ..TAKE ME in your custody and guide to righteous ness...and let me give my love as i use to alwys with your blessing .....
Om Sai Ram! I pray to you O Sai Baba, protect me and my family from the trial we are to undergo today. Bless my children and my wife. May we have better times ahead...
sai ram help me .......sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram.........
Baba please help me you know what all i am going through i can not ever talk to anyone on this only you know it all please save me and settle my life its past 15 years suffering baba.
Baba please forgive me for my past karma...I know I m ur bad daughter but I promise I'l try to be a gud girl and live the way you want me to live...please be with me and my parents always...
love u baba
Sai Rama
Dearest Merciful Baba,
Please forgive me for my sins, my bad temper and my mistakes. Please bless me with your kind grace and connect your heart with me and guide me through my problems. Please bless my wife,son,parents, family and everyone
Your Son
Shirdi Sai Baba is the ultimate truth. I wish I knew 20 years ago what I am beginning to understand now that spirituality and practicing religion is not done only in the temple or only for a few minutes in the morning. It is something that should pervade us completely and shadow us throughout our day. That we need to see divinity/God in everything. We should interact with everything keeping this in mind.
Thank you Shirdi Sai Baba for helping me see this. Thank you for helping me grow. Thank you for helping me get comfortable with who I am. Thank you, thank you. I am going through some of the toughest times in my life and I am grateful to Sai Baba for helping me.
My only suggestion to every one is to read Sai SatCharita everyday -- It may be the best thing you would do in your lives.
Jai Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram!
Jai Sai.
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Om Sai Ram!
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