Jay Sainath,
Miracles happened around Sai Baba when He was seen in physical body in Shirdi. Those miracles happened with ease with Sai Baba. Sai Baba would tell anybodies life incidents as they approached Him, with more ease than we read newspapers, books or watch a tv. Devotee's problems were foreseen and were given hints for the same and assurance for saving them from the same, which happened.
To many devotees Sai Baba would appear in dreams and guide them, bless them, give them assurance and remove their immediate anxieties.
Prayers and His remembrance would result in immediate help from Him.
Stubborn diseases which refused to go with many tried remedies, medicines and surgeries would leave just by His glance on the one who suffered, or Sai Baba moving His holy hands on the affected part, applying and or sacred Udi. Not only that in many cases the stubborn disease had to leave when devotees or their relatives prayed and remembered Sai Baba.
After Sai Baba left His physical bodies all these miracles did not cease with the passing of time, in fact they increased. More and more devotees, non devotees and even those who had never heard of Sai Baba and seen His picture has been getting the divine and caring help from Him.
The love, the care of Sai Baba moves with great throttle. Many books have been written on the same. This blog is a result of the same and is getting experiences from devotees all around the world. Last few posts were dedicated to the same and one more experience from Sai Bhakts.
Hello alpesh,
Thank you for letting this service. I would like to share my experience with all sai devotees.
This is an experience which has made me to believe in Shiridi Sai Baba more than ever...
We are living abroad . Unfortunately my father had a heart attack and was admitted to the
hospital.He had a surgery done and the doctors said that they need to perform another surgery as well. Unfortunately the insurance company said that it will not cover any costs of this, and we were not well settled yet for us to bear all the expenses and especially being abroad.
hospital.He had a surgery done and the doctors said that they need to perform another surgery as well. Unfortunately the insurance company said that it will not cover any costs of this, and we were not well settled yet for us to bear all the expenses and especially being abroad.
Father was in ICU for 2 weeks and doctors said that his condition is very serious.. All our family prayed to Shiridi Sai Baba and have done his parayana.
We read Mritunjaya mantra more than 108 times. Father got better to the surprise of the Doctors. They said it was really a miracle as they were not sure whether he can be fine earlier..
We read Mritunjaya mantra more than 108 times. Father got better to the surprise of the Doctors. They said it was really a miracle as they were not sure whether he can be fine earlier..
Sai Baba has blessed our father with life again. He has shown again that He is there for the people who look up to him. The financial aspect we were not able to bear it, but we knew that Baba is there for us and he will help us..and He did.. It was another miracle of Sai Baba..Hospital did not asked us to pay the expenses incurred, who were very much behind us for payment at first... .after we explained them about our financial situation once again.
I would say it is just the Blessing and one the miracles of Shiridi Sai Baba who has helped and will help us all in every way possible. I would not say it all happened overnight.. we did suffer for a period ..But We had faith and patience (shradha and saburi) towards Baba.. and it was true at times we were so broken that we almost questioned him for not answering our prayers as our father was not recovering..But He did answer our prayers..and all he asked was a little bit of patience..and he had shown his miracle.. and no matter how much thanks we say to Sai Baba I would say it is still less..
Thank you once again for this service as I was able to share my experience with other Sai Bakth. and would want to say again that Sai Baba is there with us and looking after us.
Thank you Sai..
faith and patience is needed in our life.
Nice post.
patience with faith gives answers to our prayers its true...
om sai ram
baba is always with their devotees
sai baba is truly wid all of us.om sai raam
i really like baba a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots...when vud he answer my prayers...baba if u r listening to me please read my mail & answer my prayers...luuuuuuuv u a loooooooooooots baba
please babaanswer my prayers too.i have been suffering for too long now baba.please help me.please protect my family as well. you know everything baba please do something now baba please i really really beg you.please save me and my family
Please BABA help us out in getting our pending work finished.I know you are with us and you will surely help us....I beg you to finish our work as early as possible(as it is already too late).....
i am strong believe in sai baba,i want miracle....please help me
sai ram
Definitely SAI is there in our faith and patience.
Sai Ever Bakth.
BABA be with us and our family. we always have faith and patience on you. be with us baba. we are all your kid, be with us always.....
baba helped me a lot... this experience make me to believe sai ram.. i lost my passport in taxi 2 days before my departure... one muslim taxi driver helped my brother and my uncle to find the taxi in which i left my purse... i lost my purse which had my passport and some gold jewellary... i was prying to sai baba but when the muslim taxi driver came at my home to give my purse back i didnt realise that he was sai baba.. but now i can realise that he was none other than sai baba... he helped to setteled in my married live... i realise his blessing... but now i need one more blessing from him. baba i am married for 6 years please give me a child... i went through lots of treatment but all were waste..we spend lots of money but every time it was negative... please show me ur grace... you have guided me through out my married life but without child it is incomplete...so please shower your blessing on us.. please help me the concive this month and give birth to a healthy and happy life.. i want ur darshan to shiridi with happinies with my husband and my child... please fulfill my dream. om sai ram
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