Om Sai Ram,
I received a wonderful experience of a Sai Baba devote regarding the Faith and prayers to Saibaba and also about reading the Sai Satcharitra and getting a wonderful response. Below is the message from the Babaji's devotee.
Hi Alpesh,
I am a frequent visitor of your blog. and to be honest, i like all the contents regarding Babaji in it.
Seriously, you are doing a wonderful job.
The main reason behind me writing this mail is that, i had promised Baba that i would share my experience with everyone.
I hope you will not disappoint me..
This is my story...
I had not known much about Shirdi Sai Baba ji before. After i came to Bangalore in 2004, i got a chance to visit Sai Temple @ Malleshwaram.
Its since then, that i got this wonderful experience of Sai Babajis grace.
I was seriously in love with my classmate(in engineering college) and we had thought of getting married once we settle down in life.
Both of us were from different community. I was south indian (GSB -Konkani) and he was north Indian.
We told about our affair to our respective parents and asked their permission for the same.
His parents did not have much problem, but my parents didn't want me to marry a guy outside our community.
i kept on praying to Baba to set everything allrite.
Finally both the parents agreed and decided to meet. When my parents met his parents, they did not like them as they were delaying the marriage date and process.
again i prayed to Baba ..i had complete faith on him and tried my best to convience my parents.
Later my parents agreed. but his parents wanted my parents to goto Patna and then speak about the proceedings..
My parents left for Patna.. i had to loan a lot of amount to send them to Patna..
I was very nervous and was expecting a good news from my parents..
But the fate wanted something else, my parents called me up from Patna and said that they did not like the guys family as they were too demanding..
I felt very bad.. i cried a lot.. even the astrologers had told that this marriage would not happen.
i sat in front of Baba for long and prayed to him to do some miracle and made a Sankalp to read Sai Satcharitra in 7 days.
Many things were going-on in the background. Finally it was found that there was a mis-communication that had occurred and there was some misunderstanding.
within the 7th day of my reading Sai Satcharitra i got good news that my parents have agreed and my marriage date was fixed.
due to Saibabas grace all the marriage ceremony went well.
I had prayed to Saibaba and had invited Babaji to my wedding.. i was waiting for him to arrive in any form.. and suddenly i got a message with had Saibaba's picture in it ..that gave me a hint that Saibaba is with me in Patna and has come to attend my marriage.
Today i am married to my love because of my dearest Saibaba..
2. I would also like to share one more experience of mine,..Whenever i prayed to Lord Saibaba, i request him to always with me.. since then till dare i have never found me alone, i have always Saibabaji in any form...
Arpana P
Great Arpana,I loved to read your blog.Baba is everywhere and listens to one who prays with love ans sincerity.Wish you all success in life ahead also.Sai Ram.
Dear Aparna,
I too am going through exactly same situation. I am with my boyfriend for last 8 years and now when both the parties have agreed the boys party is delaying and my parents are not accepting it.. i tried reading satcharitra but everytime it happens that i am not able to compelte it in 7 days.. but reading your experience.. i will once again try it and pray Baba with full faith!!
I am also going thru same situation and i have read saicharita many times but got no result till now..I don't what went wrong but after reading your blog. I have decided to read saicharita till i get suceess. thanks a lot for showing a way.
Dear Aparna
thanks for motivating me...I however was betrayed by someone I loved and he says he is a baba devotee and that whatever he did was not wrong.. but can anyone tell me..how can you lie to someone and be insenstive..its ok he fell in love with someone else but he lied to me abt the girls identity and whever i used to ask him if he had found someone he kept lying and one day insentisively says his parents have found hima girl in reality he wa sxchasing the girl for 6 mths...he also insulted me in front of the girl and then tells me baba is sayign i should not speak to you.. and this was the same erson who swore on baba and said i will always be ur friend,,I want him to apologise and repent for his actions i have started reading the sai satchitra
Hey Arpana....Im glad you are married and most importantly happy!I too am a devotee of Sai Baba and am going through a very difficult phase at this point of time in my life... hope i get through this...You must ve had a lot of courage and strength to face a such a situation...Its highly commendable...But its only possible with the grace of Sai Baba!Om Sai Ram!And also after reading your article it really motivates me to read the sai sat charita within 7 days....
I am a singli syed Muslim male 43 from Pune, India. Many years ago when I was in major trouble spiritually, I suddenly got a pull to visit the Holy Shrine of Hadrat Shirdi Sai Baba (rh). Since then Baba has been guiding and protecting me and he calls me his son. During one such visit at the Temple of Hadrat Shirdi Sai Baba (rh), I saw a white ball of light approaching me from the right side during night aarti. When the aarti ritual was over, this white ball of light moved away.
Recently Baba has informed me that this ball has been put into my heart by him and because of this over the period of time I will become an Avtaar of God the Most High.
My great grandfather was a big sufi saint from Gujrat and his holy shrine / temple samadhi is in Sattadhar, near Junnagad. I am a Syed, from progeny of Prophet Muhammad (saw).
Baba has thus given me his gaadi and this is could be connected to the Kalki Avtaar
"Whenever the Law declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to reestablish the Law" ..................... ( Hinduism. Bhagavad Gita 4.7-8.)
Naushad Somji
Hey Arpana Its really great that u have got the love of your life. I am going to same phase. Iam praying to baba since 8 months and have also read Sai Satcharitra 4 times but dont know why i am not getting success. Please baba se pray karo na aap ki agar mujhe galti hui hai toh mjhe maaf karde. plz mjhe bhi mera pyaar dede.
Aparna , Am saru from AP.I am realy happy to know that u got married to your love by the grace of lord saibaba. I too have same problem and situation. I love a guy from 8 years. we had many breaks due to small disputes. but we got patch uped very easily. but recently 3 months back, he started avoiding me. he didnt even tel me nay reason. suddenly i found his facebook profile with an engagement pic with a girl. this disturbed and made me so sad. atleast he didnt even inform me.i know he is in stress of his parents that he should marry only his community girl. but in his mind there is a soft corner that he loves me. but he wont show it out. before he stop avoiding me he asked me to send my pic to him, but he take everything light in his life. he always compromises for everything. he gives much value to his parents than me. but i dont want to miss him. yesterday i got known that in 16 days he is getting married. i dont know wat to do. i did many poojas to baba, i begged sai to give him back in my life. but till no no message or call from him. what to do i could nt understand. but by reading your message, i got motivated. i decided to read saisatcharitra till i get success.if any suggestion please tell me
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Om Sai Ram!
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