Related to the last post Pleasing Sai Baba, happened to watch a video clip from Starplus Channel aired by star tv channel. The video is posted by a Sai Baba devotee muraliraja1919 . In the video clip is shown that a Sai Baba devotee gives water to hungry family and ask if the lady was ok after drinking the water, to which the little girl reply that the family did not get any food since three days and was hungry. The Sai Baba's devotee than calls them to her home to feed the poor and hungry family. The all pervasive Sai Baba on seeing this sitting in Masjidmai in Shirdi says, " To satiate anyone's hunger is equivalent to satiating me. Every living being is atma (being, consciousness) which is the part of Paramatma (Supreme conciousness, the ultimate, the infinite, God), to satiate any being's hunger means satiating the God's hunger, meaning worshiping God. Living beings may be in different forms, they might be able to speak or not able to speak, yet the fire of hunger in the stomach in each one is one and the same, every one should know this truth that who ever feeds a hungry being, actually feeds me. Sabka Malik Ek (Every beings God is One).
Hi Alpesh,
I read your blog everyday, but its been a week since your last post. Please write something wonderful soon...
Thank you.
sai baba is there wt everybody who wants him to be there wt them and doesn't leave ever after that......he follows like a shadow guiding n protecting u frm evil. when baba except u he excepts u wt all yr negativity...and then slowly wt his teaching n blessing...helps u shed away evil. i love sai baba frm the bottom of my heart.....
that is so true ,
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