Thursday, March 22, 2007

Prayers to Shirdi Sai Baba

Shree Sai Samarth Maharaj,
Will continue from the quote from Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna (Durga Puja Festival)
Incidentally Ram Navami Festival the festival so much dear to Shirdi is few days from now
“ Now the master (Sri Ramakrshna Paramhansha) began to pray : “ O Rama(God)! O Rama! I am without devotion and austerity, without knowledge and love: I have not performed any religious rights. O Rama, I have taken refuge in thee: I have taken shelter at thy feet. I do not want to creature comfort: I do not seek name and fame. O Rama I do not crave the eight occult powers. I do not care for a hundred occult powers! I am thy servant. I have taken refuge in Thee. Grant, O Rama that I may have love for Thy Lotus Feet: that I may not be deluded by Thy world bewitching maya(illusion)! O Rama, I have taken refuge in Thee.”
Further one can read,
As the Master (Sri Ramakrishna) prayed all eyes were turned towards him. Hearing his piteous voice, few could restrain their tears.
This prayer from the Master, the Paramhansha, who brought so many to the path of devotion and was a Guru of the Lion Sri Vivekananda teaches us much. A man with such grandeur such devotion that very few such devotees have walked on this earth, what does he says, what does his prayer says? “ I am without austerity, without knowledge, without love.” Such humbleness, and we sometimes do a fast, may be read the sacred book Sai SatCharitra in a week and or daily read it, go to Shirdi Sai Temple, perform Puja at home doing anything or all of these we might start feeling we have austerity, we have love for Shirdi Sai Baba, we have gain some knowledge. One have to read the life of Ramakrishna Paramhansa get some idea of the tremendous love of God he had.
Further the prayer says, “O Rama, I have taken refuge in thee: I have taken shelter at thy feet. I do not want to creature comfort: I do not seek name and fame. O Rama I do not crave the eight occult powers. I do not care for a hundred occult powers! I am thy servant. I have taken refuge in Thee” The writer have noted most of the time we devotees pray for the comfort and not for love of Shirdi Sai Baba. Or the prayers are for the name and fame of the petty self, which is always craving for some name and fame from the society. Or the prayers are for some kind of power, either the power of position or power over others. These three are most frequently prayed for, by us who calls ourselves devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba. The refuge taken is mostly for the above stated reasons.
“Grant, O Rama that I may have love for Thy Lotus Feet: that I may not be deluded by Thy world bewitching maya(illusion)! O Rama, I have taken refuge in Thee.” How many times we find ourselves praying for this, the love of Lotus Feet of Shirdi Sai Baba. We should seriously ask ourselves this question.
“As the Master (Sri Ramakrishna) prayed all eyes were turned towards him. Hearing his piteous voice, few could restrain their tears.” This is most important for a prayer, the love and cry for the Love of God, straight from the heart. Any kind of Puja or prayer if done as a routine, as a set of routines prescribed according to some scripture, or a scholar religious or other. If done without the heart in it has little meaning.

What Sri Sai Baba or God in any form or formlessness requires the heart in it, the love in it.
This also reminds a story to the writer, Once a prominent priest (name forgotten excuse me please) was passing through a forest. Passing by he happened to listen to a prayer, said by a very illiterate and poor resident of the forest. The illiterate man was praying in fact talking with God, straight from his heart. His prayers said, Oh God, I will clean you and bath you when you get dirty, O God I will remove the lice from your hair. Hearing this priest got angry and rushed to the man. He stopped the man from saying anything further. The man got scared. The priest than taught him the proper way (?) of praying.
All the glories attributed to the God was taught to the humble illiterate man. As the priest was returning feeling happy about teaching the right prayer to an illiterate man, he herd the voice of God. The thunderous voice, put him in awe. The voice of the God said, “What have you done?” “ I loved the prayer so much, you took that away from my beloved one.” At once go back and tell him to continue with his usual prayer, poor fellow will get himself entangled in remembering your prayer and the ways of prayer while praying. The love will be override by the ways and remembrance of the words used for prayer.
The priest rushed back to the man, asked his forgiveness from the depth of his heart and asked him to continue with the usual way of his prayer.
Happy Baba day!!!


Anonymous said...

wonderful post , full of energy , wanted to convey something good and is indeed very informative , very knowledgeable and feel like coming here again and again .
May he always be with you .
Om Sai Ram .

Alpesh Patel said...

Thanks a lot Ankush

() said...

Fantastic stuff ! You have hit the nail on the head. Prayer's arising from the heart will certainly be heard up above even if not uttered through the mouth.

Baba is always hearing us, friends; whether we say it aloud or not !! OM SAI RAM.

Unknown said...

Nice one!!

God Bless you and may all your dreams come true!!


Unknown said...

The wonderful post.

Afterall the ways of prayer is different... But the main intension is same... God sees only the BHAKTI and our INVOVLEMENT not the way how we pray...

Its too good thought...


Anonymous said...

Very nice post. Taught me something new today.

Unknown said...

Hey Sai nath Kirpa...Kirpa.....kirpa....kirpa

Mera rog door karo sai nath mai apke pass shirdi pehli bar aana chahta...mujh per kirpa karo sai nath ...apne sab per kirpa ke hai...mujh per bhi kirpa karo , tumaha bhagat Tilak Raj

Anonymous said...

Dear Swamy,
Please get me a suitable postdoctoral position in San Diego and help me finish my PhD with three papers and give me enough finances. It has been a tough period all along. Please make my professors to give me good recommendation letter and help me out.
I need all of the above at this point of life.
Yours loving
Mohan Kumar HG

Anonymous said...

Om Shri Sai Ram...I have committed lots of sins in my life. I fall upon your feet. Please forgive me. Please guide me in leading a happy life.
Yours loving son

Anonymous said...

baba, please send my husband back to me and surrender himself with love and devotion.

Anonymous said...

OM Sai Ram, Baba I have made many mistakes in life but want to rectify them. Baba please give my husband back to me with Love, I surrender myself to you Baba pls answer my prayers

Anonymous said...

oh shiridi saibaba the god of poor and helpless people mercifull and king hearted god please baba bless us with children soon and have mercy on us deva bless as you always helped and by your holyfeets grace only i got married now also deva please bless us with children soon i will be ever thankfull and gratefull to you thank you baba for all the favours showered upon me thank baba

sujoy1 said...

Om Shri Sai Ram, Shirdi Sai Baba, you are all merciful, please forgive us for sins committed knowingly or unknowingly and bless us as you have always done in past,present and future. We kiss your holy feet, have mercy and bless us always.

Anonymous said...

dear baba pl love my family and pl give long healthy and prosperous life to my family member and to the person i love whom i want to marry and pl bless me so that i can marry only him with familys acceptance pl bless me because you are only only one baba who can do this.

Unknown said...

sai baba plz help me main apse jo maang rahi hu baba wo mujhe de do bus ek baar meri sun lo baba mera aap par pura viswas hai mere viswas ko mat todna baba ji mai zindhgi bar apki sewa mai rahungi bus meri sun lo baba ...........

Unknown said...

om sai Ram.
baba plz help me

Saras said...

Dear Baba,
I have lost a bag with my daughter's clothes and 2 cameras. One of Camera's was my brother's gift to me. Its his hard earned money. Please help me get back the bag with contents.

Baba, have been facing some problems @ work...please help me resolve those issues.

Love u Baba.


Anonymous said...

baba, please forgive me and give me enough mental strength to cleanse my mind, body and soul to serve u to the fullest extent. pls bless me to lead and contended and peaceful life. always shower ur gracious blessings on my family.

Anonymous said...

Baba u have helped me in many ways ....Before marriage after marriage with kids and now for growth of everything (kids mentally and physically , financial and ever happy life till my last breath...plz)Plz bless Sai Baba sons growth in everything..u know very well baba sai
Love u very much Sai Baba....

Anonymous said...

baba please dont leave me ...forgive me...pls save my marriage..pls save my marriage from the interference of my evil in laws...pls shower ur blessings on me , my husband and my kid

Anonymous said...


As mentioned in SAI Parayana Grantham, You always bless people with their needs and make them believe in you.I have experienced this many times in my life so far. Your name is the one which I keep chanting with out my knowledge.
These days my peace of mind disturbed as am looking for two things which I have already conveyed you. Please make this grant me these and help me.


Anonymous said...

Baba i hav faced so many failures...i hav full faith in u......plz help me baba wanna get one job soon...hope so good thing happen

Anonymous said...

Baba , thank you for your help, please forgive my egotistic ways and sins, please make this family whole and happy again, return the love and passion we once knew, let us forgive and let love return, bring the mother back to the children and husband. I surrender to you God .

Unknown said...


baba i am in deep trouble iam not able to get married to my loved one because of her parents. plz save me

September 17 2010

Anonymous said...

please Bless Nivedita Barua with success in her exams

Anonymous said...

baba help me ,i want to look after my mum, take care of her i cannot live away frm her, pliz help my husband get a job, help us in our finanacial preoblems. courtcase , bring my mum to me. i do not trust anyone but u. help me n guide me knowing truth, n overcome our sorrow,solve dads murder

Anonymous said...

Sai Baba let my husband get a job and let me conceive Baba,i want to peace in my in laws house with financial problems solved,let my sister in laws get married as well at the earliest Baba.

Anonymous said...

Baba please heal my daughter's eyes. She is so young and tender to wear spectacles.Please Baba improve her vision. Make her eyes, strong and health. Baba protect my kids. Why I did not come to realise it earlier.I was always taking care of my daughter and how come the situation became like this. Baba please bless my daughter and make her eyes heal soon.

Anonymous said...

sairam , please bless and heal my friend completely. let him be delivered from all evil forces and let him live to spread ur glory .. OM SRISAIRAM.

Anonymous said...

plz baba save my husband plzz bless ali my husband with long life and take him out of allt he risk he has in his life. baba plzzz take away all his probolems and streeses and realease his money and bless him with long life stable mind and body . baba i know if my prayers my faith n trust has any truthfulness you will listen to my prayers i bleive in and i trust in u . i kno you will never let me down wotever i have promised sof ar il do everything . baba i kno you are here and u can listne to me and i kn if there is god there are miracles and if it has to be a miracxle it will be but you will bless him with long life. he has seen a lot of problems in this last 2-3 yrs plz baba save him i primise il give a lot of ahppiness il keep him happy . baba i have surrendered my life and his life on ur feet with the faith n trust that you will save him and i kno you will not let me down i have from my inside my faith saying you'll save him and everything will be fine and i kno this is your voice and i trust you

Anonymous said...

U have blessed me a lot...thankyou for alll.
pls guide me .what should i do me the next step in my life,Baba...

Anonymous said...

SAI Amma,please bless me ..and give my LIFE with my CK...with the whole hearted acceptance of HIM and HIS PARENTS...please BABA..In this world,I dont have anyone otherthan U...pLeaase BABA...

ANITA said...

BABA...Please bless my friend RANI...Please help her out of her problems...Luv u BABA...

Anonymous said...

Baba, thank you being there, whenever I need u. Baba I've become really alone, no one is here to hear my problems, I don't know what to do in my future. Pls baba guide me Pls baba come in any form and guide me in my life, My relationship with my husband is deterioting every day, Whatever I say, it takes it in negative form. Even I donot have job satisfaction although i give my best. Baba pls come and help me and guide me. I don't know what to do...I'm completely lost. Pls Baba hlep me...baba hlep me and once again pls help your child. Baba...

Anonymous said...

baba bless me.

Unknown said...

om sai jai jai sai
mere sai nmohnamh

om sai ram

Anonymous said...

Baba, thank you so much for everything. Baba guide me and my family to a better path and give us courage to perform our duties and responsibilities preperly. Baba bless us as you have been doing till now. Thank you baba and help me always. Baba...Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

swetha krupakaran

Baba,pls solve our problems baba ,i have surrendered my life and his life on ur feet with the faith n trust that you will save my family

Anonymous said...

sai babaji as u know my ruf tym is back again......m totally alone i feel so lonly i dont understnd y i m so dependent on othrs without other people i m not happy. plz hlp me babaji if u have sent sumone in mah lyf plz dont let them go away. plz babaji i have full faith in u plz saibabaji plz hlp me n be with me always.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sai, Please help me. I am a great sinner in life and have absolutely no utility or use to anyone. Please releive me of the pains I am sufferring because of my sins. I do not want to continue being a burden to everyone around me. Please grant me my ultimate desire in life and releive me permanantly. You are my sole refuge. Please help at the earliest.

Anonymous said...

Baba..i know i have gone in the state of moods swing without any reason...I have become short temper...i get angry easily...i feel nobody loves me...i feel low..even i try my best to speak polite, i started to comes automatically..baba, if i become like this, i know i will hurt my families and bring disturbance at home...baba i don't want to do this..i want to be a good wife, mother, daughter and daughter in law...i want to be a good human being who is always happy to help others and is happy to see others happy. These days i've started becoming jealous of others...pls baba i don't want to be rude and bad person...pls baba help your child to beome good human being...pls help me reduce my anger, ego and jealousy. I've become very possesive of my husband and children ...too much possessiveness is also not good and it is not love...but baba i cannot control my self..pls baba help me ....mein aap he sarano me hoo..baba..

Shanti said...

Pls save my father. I trust you and believe in you shri sai. Falling on your feet.pls get rid of his ailments and give him back to us.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Baba for being there whenever i need you. Whenever I remember you and ask for blessing you are always there to help me, all my problems solve as soon as I remember you. Baba, Thank you so much and baba always give us courage and knowledge to perform our duties and responsibilities correctly. Thank you Baba. OM SAI RAM. OM SAI NAMO NAMAHA.

Anonymous said...

I always try to make everybody happy, no matter how tired I am, I try to do everything to my children, but Baba my children are too selfish, I can’t really say they are selfish or still they are not mature enough to feel that. My daughter is 21 yrs old, she does not try to think of our happiness, she thinks of her life and happiness. My son is not serious about his studies. Whenever I tried to talk to him, my husband does not allow me to do… Baba nobody ever think of my feelings. My husband thinks he has given me everything so I should be happy. Yes, he is a very nice person, but he never thinks of my feelings. There is no question that he loves me…..but Baba..I don’t have anyone who ever ask me if I am tired or I want something…so at least I want my husband to be a bit caring and I wish he could know my feelings. Baba..pls make my son and daughter to be more responsibilities towards their studies and towards us not to be too self centered. Baba, I know you are always there to help me. Pls Baba help me. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

sai baba.. please main ab achi percentage se pass hou. n baba please increase my height.. please baba..

Anonymous said...

Om Saishvarya namah:
Sai Baba, please help me in my career. I have no clarity and I feel I'm not giving my 100% too. There's no recognition from my superiors and I'm not giving my best too.It's a two folded problem and I take equal blame for it. Please bless me Baba. I'm foolish but show me the right path. Give me a great project where I can work hard and do really well. Jesus and Baba, please bless me.
Look forward to you holding me and putting me on the right path.

Anonymous said...

om sai ram,
Sai baba mujh par bhi raham nazar karo baba,
baba aap chamatkar kar ke mujhko ESSAR company me manegerial level ke post par badhiya salary packedge ke sath job lagwa do.baba Essar company wale hi mujhe jald se jald interview ke liye call karke interview le le, usme mera selection ho kar job lag jaye. sai baba aap kripa kar ke mujhko Essar company me job lagwa do ki mera job problem solve ho jaye, aur mai bhi fir se bare company me kam karu aur mera sab kuch fir se accha ho jaye.
baba aap kripa karo ki monarch company se mera last mahine ka baki ka salary mil jaye aur current month ka salary properly salary ke time par mil jaye.
sai baba mai bhi aapka ek bhakt hoo, baba mujh par bhi raham naazar karo. mera moorad poora kar do baba.

jai sai nath

Anonymous said...

Baba help me to choose my life ..........I'm in confusion baba. I leave all to annai and u. Give me what u like to give me.

mk said...

Baba... Please help me on Tuesday and give me to opportunity to come and see you..I so want to come to shirdi and open my fast...

Anonymous said...

Jai ho sai baba! meri galtiyo k liye mijhe maaf kar dena baba..aapne muje wo sab kuch diya hai jo bhi mene apse maanga hai..! baba plzzz meri help kro..meri shadi me koi vighn badha na aaye..or mere or unke beech sab kuch thik ho jaye..hume is bar milwa kar sabkuch thik kar do baba! is baar sab final ho jaye ye meri wish hai..plz baba ise pura kar do baba...I LOVE U SOOO MUCH BABA.."OM SAI RAAM" !!!!
aap hamesha mere sath mere paas rehna baba..muje hmesha aapke aashirwaad ki zroorat hai..apni kripa drashti mujh par bnaye rakhna sai baba...mujh par raham nazar banaye rakhna..jai ho baba! thank you sooo much for everything..!:)

Anonymous said...

Om Shree Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!!!!!!!
Om Shree Sai Naadhaya Namoh Namah!!!!

Pls bless me and my Hubby to get Visa and also bless us with a baby.Pls help me and my family members to overcome from all the financial crisis and pls lead us to have a peaceful,healthiest and glorious life by showering your blessings.You know our problems and you are my only hope and pls help us and be with us forever.I bow my head towards your lotus feet.Baba pls bless me to have your Dharshan at Shirdi at the earliest.Pls help us Baba ji.

Om Shirdi Vaasaya Namoh Namah!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Baba, Pls guide my children to better path. Baba, i think my daugter has started smoking, pls baba make her and her boy friend think that it is not good to smoke or drink. Pls make her feel responsibe towards you and us. Make my children and my daughter's boyfriend good citizen, who know their responsibility. Thank you Baba for everything.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,
Baba thank you for being with me whenevever i asked for your help.Baba guide us and love us as you are doing till date. Baba, today i came to know that i will be transferred in the new department, pls guide me to make this department as one of the strongest department. I know you must have chosen this for me...Baba one thing pls help my daughter and her boyfriend to quit smoking..make them realize that smoking is not good for them and they should not hurt their parents feeling. Make my children good people. Thank you Baba for everything. I know baba, i always ask you if i wanted something..but i am doing this because you are my father and I can ask you if i wanted something. Pls baba always love and bless us as you have been doing now. Thank you Baba. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

anu said...

plz sai baba u know everything. plz help me, am completely shattered splzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz saiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii help me.miracle kar do baba.

Anonymous said...

baba, i am lost.... i dont know what i am doing.... baba, show me the path to be happy and to keep my family happy.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,

Baba I've have been always blessed, Pls baba help my daughter and her boyfriend to become good citizen and make them responsible towards us. Make them realize their responsibility of studying as they have gone to USA to pursue their studies. Both of them are good students, but these days they enjoy a lot with their friends. Pls help them differentiate good friends and bad friends. guide them so that they can guide bad friends towards good path instead of going themsleves to the bad path. Pls ask my daughter to care us. Baba thank you for everything and blessing me whenever i need it. Thank you BABA. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...


PLEASE HELP ME, I have committed lots of sins in my life. I fall upon your feet. Please forgive me.And i am very sacred to live. I am facing some problems in the shops. And iam not able to get married because, i am divorces, so please help me in all matters and financial matters. Please guide me in leading a happy life. so please help be to get raid of all the problems.OM SAI, OM SAI, OM SAI, OM SAI,


dushyant said...

plz sai baba u know everything. plz help me, am completely shocked plz baba accept my prayer splzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz saiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii help me.miracle kar do baba.

dushyant said...

PLEASE HELP ME Sai Mere Manaha Esthithi se Aap Parichit hai Baba Mere Dost ko Ye Ahasas kara do Mai Galat Nahi hu Baba Mere Man Bahut Ghabra raha hai Meri sahyata kaor baba Kripa karo Sainath.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sai,
the pain of the heartbreak is unbearable. please give me strength. i love him.. i know this is maya.. please help me get over this. it hurts too much. i love him, Sai. please get us back together and stregnthen the love in our relationship.
your desperate child.

Anonymous said...

Baba - Please forgive me for all my sins and help me sail through this. Lord only you can make the good news (according to me) come through R, but I leave it to you. You are our everything and it's your wish Baba. I do not want to go but do not know what you have planned for my well being...Baba please help me on all fronts and ever keep me your faithful servant and son

Gaurav verma said...

i am sorry sai baba for what i had done at that time plz forgive me. with out you i am impossible and you know everything So plz help me baba and i have a strong faith on u and i lv u so much so Plz help ma baba as i knw u alwayz says shraddha saburi. so i am waiting for ur miracle baba and i knw one day u will do.
your lovable child.
Gaurav verma

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba, help me and my husband's relation goes well without fighting. We both love each other very much but we do have fight everyday. Pls baba help us. You have been helping and blessing us till date. Pls help us and my children to follow good path and become good citizen, Thank you Baba for everything. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Baba i am so sad today...baba nobody loves me. You know baba..I take care of everyone but nobody think about my feelings..after my mother's death, there is no one, who loves me...i donot have any place to go...baba..i don't even feel like going to my father's house. I do not know what type of person he is...he gave land to my sisters and houses to my brothers but he did not give anything to me....he is very rich and he is a very educated perosn. I don't know why he could not think that i will be hurt for what he did. I don't ask anything and i don't need it but still sometimes i feel bad...baba i know you have given me everything and i do not have to depend on anothers..but still as a human being i feel bad. we do not have close bond between siblings, I am very surprised and always tried to find out the reason for that. I'm the one who always tries to make good relation with families...but i am tired baba..i'm tired..pls me....i feel sometimes is there anything wrong with me??? Pls baba help me and give me the answer....I need your help...Pls baba...I want a good friend to whom i can share everything and who really knows my feeling...Baba pls help me...Om sai Namo Namaha. My husband also think of his work only he never tries to think about my choice and feeling...Baba i want to live a happy life. pls help me baba i donot have anyone to rely on. Baba help me

kani said...

i am going for an interview today morning. please pray for me.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,
Thank you so much for helping and being there with me whenever i need you. Baba pls make my daughter realize her responsibility towards us..and ask her to call us. Pls baba help her. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Baba plsssss help husband spends time on working...he does not tries to know my feelings...baba i do not have anyone who loves me ..baba...pls pls help me...resolve out sai namo namaha

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,

Pls help my husband and my children. Pls guide us to a better path. If any hurdles come while following a better path, pls help us baba. Baba, My husband has gone abroad for his work, pls help him.

Thank you baba for being with us and helping us whenever needed. Thank you Baba. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,
Thank you Baba for everything. Om Sai Namo Namaha...Tum hi ho mata, pita tumi ho, tumi ho bandh, sakha tumhi ho.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba. I need your help baba. Please help me

Anonymous said...

Dear Babab,

Baba you know everything. Pls baba help me. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sai baba ji help me

is parsani sai bachiye apana hath humera uppar sai maat hataiye ....

sai babaji is vipada sai humko nikaliye ...
sai baba kripiya kijiye
aishish rakhiye.....
jai sai baba kripa kijiye ..
baba please apna sath dijiye is muskil ki gaddi mai jai sai baba

Anonymous said...

Dear Babaji

jai sai baba

Baba mera husband and muje is parsani sai bachiye ... sai baba help me please is stress sai humhe mukti dijiye ak appka sahara hai sainath.....
sainath agar jeevan kai is mor par appne humko sahara nehi diya tao humari jindagi bikhar jayegee... sainath appse tao kuch bhi nehi chupa hua hai app antaryammi hai ... sainath ak beta hai mera three logo kai chota sai parivaar hai humse galti hui hai tao uske liye sama kijiye .....sai nath kripa kijiye mai promise karti hu ki agge sai aise galti nai ho is baat kai kayal rakugi.. ak appka sahara hai is dobti hui naiya kyo paar laga do saibaba... kripa kijiya sai baba ... appka sahara hai sainath hai prabhu kripya kijiye ....humare chote sai parivaar mai apani kripa kijiye ... humko muskilo sai nikaliye sainath plz...........

Anonymous said...

baba help me and my husband ....

Anonymous said...

baba mai ur mera husband bahut stress mai hai .... sai baba is muskil ki gadi mai humere uppar apana hath rakhiye ...... sai baba kripiya kijiye .......
jai sai baba ak tu hi sahara ....

archana said...

sai baba help me please muskil ki gaddi mai hum dono ko appka sahara chaiye ...jai sai nath jai sai natj kripa kijiye aisheesh dijieya jai sai nath

Anonymous said...

baba meri parsani kai annat kijiye...kripya kijiye baba

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,
Thank you baba for being with me and help me whenever i need it. Baba, my husband has an interview tomorrow. Baba You know everything and till date you are guiding us to the path which are good for us..this time also Baba, pls help us and guide my husband according to that, Thank you Baba for everything. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

archana said...

dear babaji
today is a very crucial day for us ..please be with us in all your ways

Anonymous said...

baba help us wish us gud luck ....baba be with us in all my ways

jai sai baba

Archana said...

Many Many Thanks to Sai Baba for helping us and being with us in all our ways

Jai Sai baba thanks for helping ypur child

Archana said...

thakyou babaji for being with us .. thankyou for giving us shelter and your blessings

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba, Thank you Baba for everything. Thank you baba for vibhuti. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba, Pls baba help my husband and my children. Pls baba ask my husband to call me ...Thank you Baba for everything. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Baba Thank you for everything. Baba Pls help us, help me. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

baba why you are delaying to fullfill my wish you very well know how i am suffering pls change her mind

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba, Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Pls baba help my son, teach him to speak the truth, we love him so mush and we do what ever he says but i donn't know baba why he is like know everything baba,,,Baba pls help him to become good and trustworthy person baba ....Help me and help us...Om Sai Namo Namaha...

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,

Om sai Namo Namaha...Thank you Baba for being so kind to us.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba

Om Sai Namo Namaha

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,

Pls help me and shower your blessing and always be with me as i do not have anyone whom i can share my feelings baba pls be with me. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Om Sai Namo Namaha, Shree Sai Namo Namaha, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namaha, Satguru Sai Namonamaha.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba
Om Sai Namo Namaha, Shri Sai Namo Namaha, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namaha, Satya Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Om Sai Namo Namaha, Shri Sai Namo Namaha, Jay Jay Sai Namo Namaha, Satguru Sai Namo Namha.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,

I am waiting a call from my husband...Baba pls help me. Om Sai Ram

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba...Pls heeeeeeelp me. Baba you know everything pls help me. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Baba for everything and being there with me whenever i needed. Thank you Baba. Baba pls, guide us to the better path especially to our kids. Om sai Namo Namaha

dushyant said...


Anonymous said...

Sai Babaji please guide me.. Om sai namo namaha. Shri sai namo namaha

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba, Thank u baba for everything. Baba i'm not getting any news from my daughter, I'm worried. Pls tell her to send me the message. Thank u baba for everything. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba, Thank you for everything. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Om sai Namo Namah.. Shreeman Sai namo namah.. Please help sai.

Mahalakshmi Santhosh said...

Dear Baba,
I have done mistakes, please forgive me, be with me and help me out of the problems, please guide me Baba always. I should not hurt anyone... help me to mend this one, I will not hurt anyone... Baba, I am sorry for hurting... will not do like this again, I realize my mistakes, please forgive me Baba... I surrender to you... take care of my words and actions Baba, me out of this position Baba...Jai Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

Mahalakshmi Santhosh said...

Sai is with Me !!
Jai Sai Ram

Anonymous said...

Dear baba,
As you know life has never treated me well..since my childhood.A irresponsible father..a careless mother..greedy siblings..revengeful sister and me a fool..:( It's really sad that whole of my life was always working out to live. My life partner is again a wrong choice.But now as you have taken control he has changed almost to very good. His father has almost mentally molested me,but pretend to be a very nice person in front of his daughter and others. I had never a chance to proove i was right. I def want his daughter to know about him. I have been cheated by my mother and brother. they have been blaming on dad for everything..y can't truth come out..?? I don't want to get cheated..please be with me in all my endeavors ,and never leave me alone even for a second. I want these little boys to study well and you to be with them always..and my life becomes a little meaning ful..please be with me..:)

Anonymous said...

Sai Ram I want to see you and talk to you...please....!!

Suhas S, IAS said...

Dear Baba,
Thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed on me.You have guided me in my endavours and towards my goal. Now the moment is nearing which will influence the rest of my life. I pray that your ever encompassing and omnipresent love will stay with me during this difficult period. Allah Malik.

Anonymous said...

Dear baba thank you baba for blessing me a cute baby girl i have forgotten you from long times . i have promised that after i will become father i will post it , but due to some problem i have not posted it but now posted it . baba now i am facing a severe problem . you can solve the problem only. please save me from the calamity.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba, Thank you so much for being with us, Baba always help us and bless us. Thank you Baba. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,

My husband is coming tomorrow, he is in the flight. Pls bless him to have a good flight. Pls baba guide my daughter to a better path and ask her to call me, I'm worried Baba/ Thank you Baba for everything. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,

Thank you Baba for everything. Baba, my son has gone for the trip from school. This is the first time I've sent him alone.Pls baba bless him. Baba, i'm so lucky becacuse you are always there to help and bless me. Whenever I miss my mother, I feel so depressed but whenever i see your picture i see you giving me luv and blessing. Baba, always bless us and guide us towards a better Path. Om Sai Namo Namaha.

Anonymous said...

Dear Shirdi Sai Baba, I decided to post this on some Sai website if my my mother is not diagnosed of the dreadful disease. We were very worried over long period of time but the diagnosis showed that mom is doing well and there is nothing to worry. I thank you very much Baba and please bless our family all ways.

johrihr said...

Om Sai Ram

Dear Baba,

I seek your blessings to achieve what I desire as it is for the betterment of my family life.
I seek your blessings to be able to discharge my duties towards my parents in the most desired manner. I seek a change in my workplace to my home town as I want to stay with my parents to provide them love and affection and to take care of them. They need me most now. I seek a change in my workplace to my home town as I want to be happy and take care of my family responsibilities in a better way.
God, please help me.

Anonymous said...

Dear Baba,

Only you know what I am going through in this moment of time. I visted Shirdi last week in search of solace. Please help me baba, please.

Om Sai Ram

Anonymous said...

Please Shirdi Sai Baba I have a brother in France and he is unemployed. He is a lawyer by education. Please shower your grace on him. This is causing me great trauma that I cannot sleep or breathe at times. Show me the way my lord. Please You whose darbaar is never left hands empty.

Anonymous said...

Shirdi Baba Yes I know my Beloved You are smiling at me because of My Plea not for my own but I am yours so that is the solution for me I AM YOURS maybe my requests had no maine. Always grant me unflenchable faith in you. Regarding Yatin He is Yours and why should I worry? AUM SAI RAM

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