Here are few wonderful and amazing experiences sent by Shri Hetal Patil, from Baroda, Gujarat.
In Sai Satcharitra, Saiji has said that he never wanted six fold or eight fold prayers from his devotees. Only a namaskar with devotion is enough. The following incident clarifies this.
A Sai devotee and a family friend of mine living in Baroda (Gujarat), many a times visited Jamnagar (Saurashtra - Gujarat ) for business meetings and deals. On such occasion while returning to Baroda he was all alone in his car. It was midnight, the devotee was tired and felt asleep for about one and half hour but reached his home safely without even a scratch on his body……….Amazing!!!! !!!!
Any guesses? Ya you are right, Saiji himself drove his car. There were many turns on the way but the car went forward smoothly. It also overtook many trucks and buses on its way. At one point, there were two roads, one which went to Ahmedabad and one to Baroda . The car took the way to baroda . The devotee woke up when the car slightly touched a truck from the left side while overtaking and to his surprise he was on the outskirts of baroda .
The devotee never used to chant any prayer before Saiji neither it was regular with him to go to Sai Mandir. But he used to remember Saiji mentally. He used to play Sai arti or any bhajan in his car while starting his journey whether to his office or where ever he went.
The following is experience of a Sai Devotee which I would like to
share with all of you.
It is very well known that Saiji loves and cares for his devotees
and is always by their side in good and bad times. But everyone has
to bear the bad fruits of their karma. The following incident makes
both the points clear.
One of my family friend and staunch devotee of Saiji lost her female
child who was only one year old. The daughter was at her
grandfather' s place with her mother and she accidentally drank
kerosene and died.
The devotee mother stopped eating and drinking and she was in deep
grief. She was very angry with Saiji that He had taken away her
child. Due to this incident she decided not to worship Sai Baba any
more. She thought she had not hurt anyone or did not harm anyone
then why this calamity befall on her while Sai Baba was with her
After three days, a Fakir came at her father's place and showed his
wish to talk to her. Firstly her brother told him that she doesn't
want to meet anybody but he insisted to meet her. Hearing the sound
from inside she came out and the Fakir consoled her saying that she
would be gifted a child within a year from the day and that too a
Within a year she was gifted with a baby boy. But she and her family
were desirous of a girl and Saiji gifted her female child. To the
amazement of all the baby girl looks exactly like the one died
earlier. It is very clear that the Fakir who visited the devotee and
met her and consoled her was none other than Sai Baba and she got
her child back in this way.
of Sai Baba. We all are getting those experiences because we believe
in Him and are His Bhaktas. But Baba even makes those people His
devotees who dont believe in Him. The following incident makes this
more clear.
My maternal uncle, aged 50 years, was a non believer in God. He
never prayed or worshipped any God. But now he is a staunch devotee
of Sai Baba. This happened only a few months back.
My cousin i.e. my uncle's son is doing MCA. Being a student with
commerce background he is finding it a bit difficult though he is
very good at computer applications. He got ATKT in first semester in
one subject. My uncle was worried and he called up my mother for
some solution in the sense that my cousin was working very hard but
not getting the desired results. My mother being a Sai devotee,
just asked my aunty to observe a fast of Sai Baba for 9 Thursdays
and go to Sai Mandir. She readily accepted and started the observing
the fast. Baba was behind them and so He gave answer to my aunty's
prayer and devotion before 9 Thursdays were over. My cousin was able
to solve ATKT.
This incident made my uncle believe in Baba. Now he wants to go to
Shirdi (as he has never been before). He goes to Sai Mandir every
Thursday. Even every Wednesday he brings coconut, pedha prasad,
flowers and incense sticks for offering to Baba on Thursday.
Thus Baba is kind and lovable to those who believe Him, but he is
more kind and lovable to those who dont believe in Him.
4th experience
like sparrow with its legs tied with thread. The following incident
makes it clear.
A person was serving in a Pharma company, he was not acquainted with
Baba at that time. Once he was accused for misuse of drugs and was
suspended. The company also filed a case against him.
He was very much worried as he had a family to support and was very much
upset. A staunch devotee of Sai Baba and his friend advised him to take
up fast of Sai Baba to get out of this calamity. The person observed a
fast for 11 Thurdays and he used to go Sai Mandir walking.
After few days he got a call from the company and all the accuses on him
were withdrawn. The company also withdrew the case on him. Moreover he
was taken back to job with much higher salary and post. This incident
made him strongly believe in Baba and now he visits Shirdi frequently
and even he have got much more experiences of Baba.
Last year during Makar Sankranti (january 14) me and my family went to
Shirdi. My mother had prepared Til and Gud Laddoos for the offering to
Sai Baba. We attained Kakad Arti and Mangal Snan and then offered
Prasad in the Samadhi Mandir. Then we distributed the Prasad at
Dwarkamai and only two laddoos were left.
One of my colleague had advised me to visit Baijabai's house and I
wanted to go there. So we started walking from the opposite of
Dwarkamai. We reached a place and from there Laxmibai's house was
visible, but we were unaware about it. A Fakir Baba was sitting there
and he told us that it was Laxmibai's house. So went there and took the
Darshan of the Holy Coins which Baba gave to Laxmibai. We were
overjoyed. But there was more to come.
The Fakir Baba now came with us on his own wish and showed us the house
of Mhalsapatiji and even Madhavrao Deshpande's grandson house. My father
wanted to give him money his noble deed. But he denied and said that he
wanted food. Our food stuff was at hotel and it was a considerable
distance from the place where we were. My mother was reminded of the
laddoos and she gave them to him. After receiving the laddoos there was
a great sense of satisfaction on his face and we felt as he was happy
with what we gave him. Then we realised that the Fakir Baba was none
other than our own Sai Baba and had accepted our Prasad by coming in
This incident has proved that Baba gives darshan to those who come to
Shirdi as he only calls his them.
celebrate Diwali. The following incident took place.
Somebody had told us that we should not deny any beggar and give them
whatever they wanted as Baba would come to us in any form. So we all
took about 100-200 rs. coins with us and gave to every beggar who asked
for and also to those who didnt ask.
It was the departure day and very few hours were left for us to leave.
After having lunch in Prasadalay, we went to Dwarkamai and spent some
time there. We all were thirsty and so we asked for mineral water in
some shops nearby. But we didnt get it. So we proceeded further. While
walking we came to a shop and asked for water. We got it. Soon we saw a
Fakir Baba standing behind us. We didnt know from which side he came
but just saw him. I was ready to give him moneyas I was standing
downstairs. But he said that he wanted Biscuits. My mother readily
purchased biscuits as we didnt had themand gave him. He went away as
soon as we gave him biscuit packet.
After few days I thought that all the beggars asked for money and that
Fakir Baba asked for biscuits and he clarified that he only wanted
biscuits. Baba used to make clear His points and also the Fakir Baba did
so, thereby making us realise that He was none other than Sai Baba.
Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak
Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj
Para Brahma
Shri Sachidanand Sadguru
Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai!!!
Hetal Patil
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Devotees experiences.
My first and other devotees experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba.
Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! Lovely incidents......... I too have few experieces to share. Will list them for sure.
Sai Ram Kalpana,
Looking forward to read your experiences. Kindly mail me at alpesh at saimail . com and i will post them under the label devotees experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba!
the incidents have been beautifully put up.i was simply touched to read them.sri sainath maharaj ki jai.
This is a lovely listing of incedents... Baba has blessed you and your family and all of his devotees.
Thank you for providing us with this as it only stengthens our faith in his feet
the series of experiences were quite thrilling as i was so engrossed while reading, these miracles convey one and only one message that baba, though left his mortal body, is still between us and helps us in his unusual, abnormal and supernatural ways, which we call miracles!!
om sai ram to all devotees,
let baba bless all of us,
Sai Ramji to all,
I am visiting this page after long time. But i am really very thankful for commenting here.
Jai Sai Ramji
om sairam
Thank u so much for sharing all ur heart touching experiences of baba with us......i cant tell u how much my eyes r wet.....thnx..it gave me so much peace......
may sai bless u and everyone..!
om sairam
Its really divine and spiritual. Thanks for sharing. Thank you Sai Baba. OM SAI RAM
Hello.. All of my Sai Sisters and Brothers..! I have a query about Sri Sai's guidance. In our daily life, we get puzzled at times to arrive at a decision given a choice between two or couple of things or else we could not arrive at a decision on what to do when things or completed unsorted.
eg:1) A person in question is having lot of troubles in his education, and he attained 35 yrs of age without a proper education or settlement in his life. But he has a strong Zeal to come up in life. He tried and tested every way but could not succeed. He does not know his talents, strengths, weaknesses still by that age. His state of mind is always fickle. He has two options a job or a business. He tried a lot already to get one job but could not succeed. Now he wants to do a business and test his luck. But before he starts a business, he want to confirm what Sai says, and he needs a clear message from him being a strong devotee of Sai. He needs a confirmation from Sai that which way to go a job with degree qualification or a small business with friend's help.
eg:2) The same person got two jobs which are very similar in the pay check, job environment, brand name of company etc. Both are very lucrative offers. Being a Sai devotee, he wants to take the perfect step in choosing between both the opportunities. This is the case when you know the choice which is a bit clearer than the first case. Now tell me how to get the guidance by our Sai Baba.
If not the above cases, any case similar to the above ones,..How to get the guidance from HIM?... I need a very clear, perfect, matured answer which is helpful not only to me for anybody in the similar situations.. from my fellow members of Sai devotees.
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