Madhavrao Deshpande (Shama) and Sai Baba had a unique relationships, that none other shared. This we have seen in earlier posts. Recently a search on google was made for the Gujarati book Sai Sarovar, which led the searching devotee to this blog. In yahoo group, Sabkamalikek, the devotee asked for the book if it is available, since the huge book, 1400 plus pages, contains many incidents and stories of Sai Baba which are not published anywhere else.
On answering that question, I have been receiving many mails to put the translation of the book on blog if possible and if it does not clash the copyrights. Regarding the copy rights I would like to say that the book says all the copyrights are with the author. However this is not the complete story.
The devotee who presented me with the photo copy of the book, did it after seeing this blog He wished that more Sai Baba devotees get to know the leelas of Sai Baba. He also added that after reading and getting stuck and amazed with this book, he found out the whereabouts of the author’s family and met them. According to him the family’s economic condition is not very good and if the book is published for the commercial purpose or any other purpose, the author’s family should get some financial benefits from it.
Reading through the first pages of the book, one can easily understand that the purpose of writing this book and publishing was purely to spread the stories of Sai Baba, His tremendous love, His astonishing grace and the astounding events that took place in the sacred Shirdi, while Sai Baba was in gross body and even the improbable events that took place after He left his leaving the gross form.
The first page of the book says that the first two parts (out of total four parts), of the book, 45,000 where distributed for free. Unfortunately 90% of the books reached to the non devotees or not to serious about the leelas of Sai Baba. When the demand for the book from real interested devotees came, there was none left.
This forced them to set few rules like none will get the book for free, leaving some charitable trusts and temple libraries. Later few able devotees donated some amount and the first two parts and the later two parts total 1,500 page were published. As the fate would have it the book published in July 1987, is not available as book in any store. There are few devotees who give the photocopy of the book and demand only the cost of the photo copies. Still it works out about Rs. 700/- for all four parts.
I would be writing most events that are written in this book on the blog. Also Shri Leeladhar of saileelas.org has asked for the copies of this book so that the translated parts will be published and uploaded on his website, so that the maximum devotees can have the joy of reading more about Shirdi Sai Baba.
Now continuing about Shama from the same book, there was relationship between Sri Sai Baba and Shama was quite unique and astounding. It was like the merging of various aspects of relationship like friendship, sneha, priti, faith. The merging of close relationship that human shares and that which devotee shares with God.
Madhav Rao (Shama), when first saw Sai Baba, he considered Sai Baba as a mad Fakir, as the rest of the villagers did. Yet he would go to Sai Baba so that he could get to smoke a bidi (Indian primitive cigarettes) for free.
At the age of 16, in 1877 A.D. Madhavroa had got a job in a Marathi school in Shirdi. Madhav Rao did not knew English or Sanskrit. His educational qualification were much primitive that of 6th grade in school. He had spent much of the time in village and so used slang language, the villagers use and that was the langage he shared with Sai Baba also.
Sai Baba many a times used to say that He does not care for the way he is called for. Puja, Jap recitals, Mantras, Tantra, Hom Havan, He does not require anything. I (Sai Baba) am hungry for the true love form your heart. Mantra, Tantra, Hom Havan are for pundits and priests. Just a call by the name Sai Sai from you, and I will be by your side, wherever you are, whenever you call me.
could u please post the jan 13 sunday episode of shirdi sai baba serail in star plus
hi Alpesh - I have been reading your blog for quite sometime now. Really it gives me great peace within. I really appreciate the great service you are doing.
Regarding the post on "Sai Sarovar" could you let me know the whereabouts of the author's family whom you said were not in a good economic condition. I would like to make a humble donation to them.
I can be reached at krishna_sarma2001@yahoo.com
Sai Ram -
Jai Sai Ram Krishna Sharma,
I have tried to contact the family as i have received other request on the mail also. Telephone contact has been made. They will be coming to meet me regarding this. I will contact you after the meeting is done.
could i get the text of aarti in gujarati - sainath jai ho brahm thayu sakarit nayane nartan ho..............
Om Sai Ram,
I will inquire about the same to some dedicated Gujarati devotees and reply you.
any online copy of Shri Sai Sarovar is available ?? or one has to take offline version only ???
"There are few devotees who give the photocopy of the book and demand only the cost of the photo copies. Still it works out about Rs. 700/- for all four parts."
Hi Alpesh,
Thanks for posting the information regarding the book..
As you mentioned, it seems there are few devotees who distribute the photocopy of the book...
We, few baba's devotees, also want to drink baba's leelamrit from the Sai sarovar book.
Could you please let us know from where we can get the photocopy of the book? or could you please give your contact information so I can contact you regarding the same?
Om sai Ram
Om Sai Ram Rutwij,
This post was written long time back. I don't have contacts of those devotees who met me during that time. Nor do i have copies of this books.
I have herd that efforts for publishing the same are being done. So you'll have to wait until then.
Om Shree Sai!
sai ram mr. aplesh
i want to buy the sai sarovar can u plz give me details for the same my mail id is : niravmpandya@gmail.com
thanx in advance
sai ram
the above picture of sai baba from which place???
That picture is an idol of Baba prepared for Palkhi Yatra in Surat. Prepared by an artist from Vadodara in Gujarat.
BHAGAVAAN SHREE SAIBABA's "SAI SAROVAR" pustak in pdf on cd....written by Saibhakt Shree MAGANBHAI. If anybody wants , please contact me--Devang 9426543313
Om Sai Ram,
I am Mr Raval from Baroda/Vadodara. As I know that Saibaba devotees are searching for "Sai Sarovar" book in Gujarati since last many years. Now the "Sai Sarovar" book is available (Hard Copy)in whole Gujarat, as it is reprited with addition & correction. It now repulished on 27th March 2016 in Surat & available in all cities of Gujarat. In Vadodara distribution of this book is given to Mr. B V Raval. The book will be available price to price without any profit margin. The main purpose is to do Seva & spread Baba’s leelas & life story, So that it can reach to maximum devotees. This book is really precious for Saibaba devotees, because it contains lot of details about Dattavatars, Nath Sampradaya, regading Saibaba's devotees & many more saints.
So those devotees want to buy this book can contact on email id - ravalrj@gmail.com.
Om Sairam,
I am a Sai Devotee. We all know that the centenary year of Shree Shirdi Saibaba Mahasamadhi celebration has started. As a part of it many programs/events are going on. I have come across one website www.saimantrawriting.com for writing Saibaba Mantras online. I found it really good. So I thought I should share it with the Saibaba devotees. I feel it is a kind of “Guru Dakshina” to Shree Saibaba our beloved Sadguru.
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Om Sai Ram!
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