Sai Baba the merciful Fakir, has given so much, to his devotees. Many have got unasked, as is the case with me link. Does it means we should ask and ask and ask forever. Because the list of the wishes never seems to end, one desire fulfilled other is waiting behind. Actually there are multi desires all waiting to force themselves at the given opportunity. And we fail to see that it is the never ending queue of the desires, that does not let the mind to be calm and quiet, so that it can receive and feel the grace and love of Sai Baba of Shirdi. The mind is so much engrossed in it’s own desires that most of the time it fails to listen and grasp of what Sai Baba is showering. Once Sai Baba was putting the pots upside down and said, people come to me in this manner, how can I fill the pots?
Yes most of the time our mind is filled with desires and desires, and fails to grasp the grace and love of Sai Baba. If at all the mind has to ask as it’s is habit, not easily to be given away, why not ask for only Love and Grace of Sai Baba, of God, the only one Sabka Malik Ek. Let the mind ask for his Love and his grace and everything is included in it. His love and grace will take care of everything. Once we have asked for his love then it his Sai’s business to take care of us. How can he put attention on everyone and every one’s business? It does not take any time for him to put attention on every one as he resides in everyone, just waiting for a call of love. And why is it his business to help us? Do we ask, what business has the mother got, to take care of her little child? The love of the mother for the child takes care of everything. The child does not have to ask for each and everything.
So let’s just ask for the Love and Grace of God, of Sai Baba, or whatever name we want to give that attracts us, because he is beyond name and it is the love for him in whatever name or form we get drawn. And his love will take care of everything. He asks for Faith and patience, Shraddha and Sauburi, lets give our Faith and patience to him, and let him work through us.God will give you everything which you need - not want. What is necessary for you
A translated version of Poetry of A Sufi Mystic Poet Rumi, tells the story of a real dervish or Fakir:-
The Sufi opens his hands to the Universe
and gives away each instant, free.
Unlike someone who begs on the street for money to survive
a dervish begs to give you his life.
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this is so wonderful
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