Saturday, January 13, 2007

What to do about this mind

Sitting again in front of Sai Baba’s picture. The body is empty, the mind is empty, only the energy created within is allowed to work. Still the mind tries to wander away. Such is the quality of our mind. Only Sai Baba’s grace or a Perfect Master or Sadaguru, can erase this wandering of mind. The mind cannot bring about an end to itself. In today’s world I happen to notice this, strange behavior of mind. It is always in search of peace, in search of comfort and always running in wrong directions. Wrong direction in the sense, it is longing for harmony, peace, love, and one little disturbance and it is attracted to it. For example in all relationship friends, husband and wife, parents and children, there are so many good moments. Rather than staying in those moments, if after so many such good and harmonious moments, if there is one disturbance of mind, due to self centered activity, the mind clings to it, get attracted to it and suffers. The longing of peace and harmony it can get from other moments are lost, are forced away, by that few moments of disturbance.

So it is very essential that our attention is on the grace and love of lord, of Sai Baba, of Sadaguru, of God. Whatever name one gives it is not enough. The formless, the infinite, cannot be captured in words or in the limited mind. How can the limitless be captured by the limited? So it is always better for limited to surrender to the limitless and be one with it. It is always better to cast of our intelligence, our cleverness and our shrewdness and let the infinite, the nameless, the limitless work. No effort from our side is required, because our limited effort can only bring about limited changes. This thing is so difficult to put in words, as no effort is very easy to be misunderstood.

From Sai SatCharitra Chapters 18-19

Then Baba spoke as follows:- "My method is quite unique. Remember well, this one story, and it will be very useful. To get the knowledge (realization) of the Self, Dhyana (meditation) is necessary. If you practice it continuously, the Vrittis (thoughts) will be pacified. Being quite desire less, you should meditate on the Lord, Who is in all the creatures, and when the mind is concentrated, the goal will be achieved. Meditate always on My formless nature, which is knowledge incarnate, consciousness and bliss. If you cannot do this, meditate on My Form from top to toe as you see here night and day. As you go on doing this, your Vrittis will concentrate on one point and the distinction between the Dhyata (meditator), Dhyana (act of meditation), Dhyeya (this meditated upon) will be lost and the meditator will be one with the Consciousness and be merged in the Brahman. The (mother) tortoise is on one bank of the river, and her young ones are on the other side. She gives neither milk, nor warmth to them. Her mere glance gives them nutrition. The young ones do nothing, but remember (meditate upon) their mother. The tortoise glance is, to the young ones, a down-pour of nectar, the only source of sustenance and happiness. Similar is the relation, between the Guru and disciples."

This is one of the most powerful characteristics of Sai Baba. Even watching Sai Baba’s picture, I watch the original black and white picture of Sai Baba with Umbrella. To meditate the thoughts must be pacified, the mind must reach calmness and the problem is that all the desires never let the mind be at peace, be calm. It is very difficult to get mind concentrated. I have always felt the concentration getting without effort only by watching Sai Baba’s picture. Sai Baba says you should meditate on the Lord, who is in all the creatures, and I have seen people coming out of Temple and scolding the ones lower in the hierarchy of social power. How does this come to an end? Just simply try this experiment. Sit in front of Sai Baba’s photo, don’t try to bring about a solution of the problem. Just pray to Sai Baba, that Baba I have limited knowledge and I am limited. Just give me your grace and love and let it work on my mind. Baba make me feel your grace and let it work, I am not the doer. And certainly you will feel the grace working. We don’t have to do anything else just keep our mind on Sai Baba’s from and his Nazar, his glance on us will do the rest. And lets not forget the give him the two pice Shradha(Faith) and Saburi (Patience). Lets get restless without his Grace and Love and nothing else. And surely our mind will attain calmness, the difference between the one who meditates and the meditated upon is lost. The one who is meditating the limited is lost and merged into the meditated the limitless.

" Gazing into Sai Baba's face, hunger, thirst--every thing is forgotten. What worldly pleasure can stand comparison to it ? The trials and tribulations of worldly life are forgotten altogather".......... Sai SatCharitra


Unknown said...

I am Neha, I am a devotee of sai baba. I love a guy called raj very much but due to some reason our relationship is on the verge to break up, only for the fact that his mother does not like our relation she hates it whenever i speak to him over the phone, so he is doubtfull if we can continue the relation, i prayed and still praying to sai baba to safe this relation because he means a lot to me and i love raj a lot cant even think of loving anyone else or marrying another guy. but seems baba is not listening to me for the first time. please help me . i am in real need of help

Anonymous said...

hello neha, don't get upset.. believe in sai baba.. baba knows everything.. what ever is good for ur whole life baba will do that only.if raj is good for u then baba will definetly send him back to u,but if he is not a right person for u then ... so, whatever is going on and whatever will happen just believe that baba knows more & better than u that what is gud for u. don't say baba is not listening to u,baba always listen & care for his child.

Prof. M. S. Verma said...

I second Neha's advice. Baba's Grace goes beyong our superficial wishes. He knows what is really good for us. So Namarta, be patient and keep praying. Good luck.
Prof. M. S. Verma

Anonymous said...

I am going through a similar case like Neha but with a slight differene. The guy I love has left me with strange statements which are unbelievable and unacceptable. We were so thickly connected in our minds, but it just fell through suddenly and gave me a sudden jolt. I still love him very much and pray for him to return. He is annoyed over certain issues which has not given me a chance to improve or be sorry for. I pray to Baba since almost a year now, and i cant forget him. Please pray for my peace of mind. Dear Baba, I pray to you to show him the right way and understand other's feelings. Just for his family he should not throw me away from his life. To accept me with my goodness as well as my badness. Have trust and faith in me and return with still more love and affection for me.

Anonymous said...

God Bless you. Remember SAI jiska saakshi wo ho ker rahega, chahe kuch bhi hoga. I am sai's messanger.

Raghvendera Sharma said...

Dear Anonymous Sai's messagenger, i got love married to an interreligion girl before two years and we waited of her elder sister's marriage and my younger brother also got married, but when she talked to her parents about our relation she was detained for four months fortunately she could run to me but after four days her brother came saying all have been setteled now you will get marriage with same boy(me) with family's consent and took her home before 3 months since than she has been again detained and being forced to marry some other place. They are not allowing her to go out and call.

yogesh said...

we do love to pallavi and i am 36 year old my parents not like pallavi because hi is belong village and also hi hi very pooer familey belong. but we are both decided to marrage in belive in sai baba . i pray to si if we arenot sucessfully to marrage we never marrage in life. we fully belive in sai baba.


Natasha said...

All i want to say is that SAIBABA never makes mistakes...we as humans trust in him & always remember that HE is only going to give u what HE believes is best for u not what we believe is best for us...later on in life we realise leave it on HIM & be sure to get what u deserve...

Anonymous said...

hi friends this is vandana,
I have a friend who was very close to me and liked me very much and used to take care of me in evry issue and share evry thng with me even i used to be the same but suddenly wt happened i dont know till knw he started liking others in place of me and he left me alone and not even caring me for a second every time he is maintaing that relation whch we had between us with his other friends i told him for many times that am getting hurt becouse of all thid but he is unable to understands every tme he will fght wit me and say many words to me agn he cmes back for my friendship but he never behaves as such he was before and he continues to hurt me again and says that am his best friend and who touched his heart for this reasn am suffering from almost 2 yrs and i was nevr happy in all dz 2 yrs i always pray baba for this but he is not making my friend to understand me and come back but i dont want to miss my friend pls u ppl too help me by praying our lord baba pls becouse i beleive in him a lot

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