Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sai SatCharitra - the paanpoyi - quenching the divine thirst

Aum Shri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Most of the readers would be thinking, what is this paanpoyi. Paanpoyi is a word used in Shri Sai SatCharitra for the life story of Shirdi Sai Baba written in Shri Sai SatCharitra. It says, "This life story of Sai is, to the devotee, is a paanpoyi of His nectar-sweet stories. With Sai's grace, drink deeply and to your heart's content, to ward off the scorching heat of this conflagration that worldly life is.

Indeed this is so true. First the meaning of paanpoyi. Paanpoyi is a Marathi word which means " The stand or a shed erected for the purpose of supplying water to the travelers. This kind of sheds were and are used widely in India with the purpose of quenching the thirst of travelers traveling on feet. There are many devotees who visit Temples or a shrine or a pilgrimage on foot. It is heavy on the physical system, and the most required thing during that time is drinking water.

Truely Sai Satcharitra is a paanpoyi. Not a paanpoyi of drinking water but a paanpoyi of Sai Baba's love and grace. It is a shed where the devotee gets to rest in Baba's love. It is a place from where Sai Baba's grace flows constantly, the devotees just have to read the sacred stories of Sai with attention and putting aside all reservation.

The worldly life has it's own set of struggle, agony, striving. The mind and the soul sometimes get too tired in the scorching heat. The sacred stories of Shri Sai SatCharitra does give solace at these times. There are so many incidents recorded of the same.

Those looking for spiritual or worldly contentment. Shri Sai Satcharitra is a source of divine grace. Dig for the wealth and carry it away by cart-loads.   Yes a little digging (reading) is needed. Even if one is neat a well full with fresh ever flowing water, one need to do little and actually drink the water.

One needs to drink that deep quenching grace. We are always in need of something. Something for fulfillment. We look for money, good relationships, good health. Even with all these the need of fulfillment still remains.

What is this something which we are looking for? Many get the money they need, the relationships they had always dreamed for. Yet not the money nor the relationship bring about the total quench. Many just settles with life is this set of unfulfilled struggle and does not look for something that could possibly quench or bring about a fulfillment.

Many just keep looking for more material wealth and more relationships. As these are also a goal for fulfillment Sai Baba grants these wishes to devotees. Sai Baba used to say, "I give them what they ask for, until they ask for what I want to give." Lucky ones finds soon that all they have been asking for is not enough. Even after attaining all they asked for something within is still empty. It needs to be filled. Then they ask for the God's or Guru's grace. To get merged in the God's grace, to experience the fullness of God's or Guru's grace within and without.

The paanpoyi is mentioned in Sai SatCharitra Chapter 25. Next is a sacred stories of Sai Baba, which tells why Sai Baba does not fulfill all desires of devotees? Which we will see in following post. 

Shri SadChitAnand SadGuru SaiNath Maharaj Ki Jai!

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Hetal Patil Rawat said...

Sai Ramji Alpeshbhai,

Thanks for bringing out meaning of Paanpoyi in spiritual terms. Being Maharashtrain, i was unaware of this world and its meaning too. But you came out with wonderful explaination.

I am eager to read next post.

Jai Sai Ramji Ki !!!

sgpote said...

water is life,Saisatchatitra is sacred water qunching the thirst of our complete self and causes our total merging in the divine totality erasing the vertual separation between us and the almighty God.

Preethi said...

om sai nath!!

om shri sai nathaya namah:
om shri sai nathaya namah:
om shri sai nathaya namah:

saiom Alpesh Bhaiya~
really bhaiya very enlightening post- as always...

baba bless you always in all your efforts


saisevak said...

sai satcharitha is the distilled essence of the geetha and the upanishads.THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR WONDERFUL POST

Dipti said...

om sai ram
deva u have given us geeta which is sai satchitra...deva i need u badly... please deva come n help... n resolve everything asap...
pls deva shradhdha saburi banaye rakhna...

Unknown said...

om sai ram
realy awsome....the best
baba's kripa flowss on each nd evry one who says his name

maniarasi said...

each everytime i read about baba, wether its the story of his divine miracles or about baba himself..i would only go in tears ...i love him more and more,...just when i think i'm alone without anybody ...there without my realison he would appear to say that i'm not alone,.....u truly amaze me baba,..and my love for you forever,..

Unknown said...

I am particularly interested in the "why Sai Baba does not fulfill all desires of devotees? " mentioned in this post. The link leads to a series of related stories...but I could not find the relevant section. Can you please point me to the relevant section?

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