Hi Alpesh,
I have gone through your website on Shirdi Sai Baba many times and I have always wanted to share some of my experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba with all. Please publish the below experience in your website. Thanks a lot ....
I have had so many experiences from baba that I dont know where to start from. I came to know about baba from my mother and I am very grateful to her for introducing me to Sai Baba. I used to watch Sai Baba program on Star Plus and was very much influenced by it. Then slowly I stated getting Shradha for Sai Baba. Once my son was having high fever and everyone was worried. I prayed to Sai baba whole night and by morning he was normal with no temperature at all. This was the first experience I can say and I was so surprised to see this miracle.
I started reading Sai Satcharitra daily, a few pages or stories and I began to feel that an immense Shradha had developed within me for Sai Baba and I started to think of Baba while doing all my work and started to talk to Baba mentally also.
One night after making my son sleep I felt an immence power around me and felt that Baba is there, I felt that power in me also and saw an image of baba forming in front of me. At that time I felt that my body is not there and I am part of air, dont know how to explain that. With my own eyes I saw the image of Baba form in front of me for a few seconds and then it all disappeared. I was so overwhelmed with that experience that tears flowed from my eyes, I called my mom immediately and told her too. I can never forget that moment of my life
I used to see Baba everyday in some way or the other when I used to go for work, a photo of Baba on a taxi, bus or car etc, as if Baba telling me I am always there with you!!
Then I came to know of a nearby Sai Baba temple that too with baba's grace. I started going there whenever i could, and got a lot of peace of mind there. At this time my husband was in US and I was working in Bangalore. The first time I went to the temple and I prayed I felt very nice. The manager of that temple spoke to me about baba and gave me a picture of Baba also. I also bought one picture of baba and kept it in my temple at home. The great thing that happened was that the next day I went to office I got a mail from my manager telling me to be the 'release coordinator' for that quarter!! I felt what a miracle, I never asked for this but baba gave this to me. I could not beleive all this was happening to me!
After a few weeks, when I had been to the temple, I got a call from my husband that he got a offer at a very good company in US and I knew that was also Baba's blessing
Another big event that happened was this: My husband was planning to get me and our son also to US, but we did not want that I leave my job which was good at this bad economic situation. I had previously got work from home for a few months and I was with my husband and worked from home. We wanted to get a similar thing this time for a longer time, 6 months. But it was not accepted in the office. Then I again prayed to Sai baba and went to Baba's temple. There on that day after praying to baba I came out of the temple and went to a shop with Baba's books etc. There I got a rare book of baba "Your Question and Baba's answers". As if Baba wanted me to take that book, I bought the book and came to the bus stop. I had finished off all my money and did not have enough money to pay for Auto fare. So waited for a bus at a bus stop. I waited for half an hour and no bus came. Then a old uncle came and told me that no bus comes here and I must go straight to another bus stop. I was thinking in my mind, baba why no bus is coming and how will I reach home. Just at that time this Uncle came. What a miracle and how omniscient baba is. I think that uncle was sent by baba only, or maybe baba only had come
I had in my mind to make some donation for a long time. None knows abt this except Baba. I got that book and next day after bath sat down in front of baba's photo and prayed to him that, what should I do now? Shall I leave my job or will I get to Work from Home for 6 months. Praying so I thought of a number which came instantly in my mind and opened the answer of that number and there what did I see? the answer was "Donate and the desired work will be done" I could not believe what I saw, the answer was so apt to my situation and baba wanted me to do the donation which has been in my mind

I gave the cheque for the donation and then I got to hear from a manager in my company, the VP and HR spoke to me and things took a 360 degree turn!!!!!!! The approval came from the director of the B/S unit and everyone had approved this request!! This was a miracle and I knew that Sai baba was doing this. I cant thank enough to Sai baba for this.
Unfortunately since I was not having the valid visa I was not able to go ahead with this opportunity. But I have full faith in Sai Baba and with this confidence I ultimately resigned from my job and now I am with my husband in US.
Now I dont want to ask anything from baba and only pray for his blessings and ashirwad. I know that baba knows whats good for me better than me. I have left everything to baba now. I want to make him happy by following the path he has shown us and do good karma. Now when i make any mistake I am so conscious about it and pray for his forgiveness. I think my life has changed so much after becoming baba's devotee. I read Satcharitra everyday and I am getting so much peace of mind.
Friends, Sai baba is ocean of love, we should always follow the path shown by Baba and do good karma. Sadguru Sai baba will give us moksha, the ultimate reality of our life. Always remember Shradha and Saburi towards our Sadguru Shri Sai Baba.
Om Shri Sai nathaya namaha
Om Shri Sai Sadguruve namah
Jai Sai nath
Sai baba devotee
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My first and other devotees experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Dear Alpesh, Sai Ram, Kindly post my experience on your website.
Koti Koti Pranam to Sai Maharaj, He fulfills all devotees wishes in best way, only thing he ask for are FAITH and PATIENCE. I have been staying abroad and doing well last couple of years. Bad time came and My project was put on hold in Nov'08 and last 7 months I was actively looking for job. Meanwhile I got a contract job for some time. Market was really bad and hardly any job opening was there. Luck was also bad..somplaces i cleared all interview round but project went on hold, some places salary was too low,...some places i was not selected ...in a nutshell it was really bad time. Staying abroad with family was tough & day by day we were getting more tense. We were unclear about future and having so many questions in mind...like what next? Should we go back and join some company in India. But even in India job market was not so good........During this difficult time. Baba showed me the way. I did 9 Sai Vrat and also performed 3 times Saptaha (reading Sai Sachitra in a week, starting from Thursday). Every Thursday I was doing proper prayer and going to Sai Baba temple. Although time was very bad...but always felt the presence of baba and tried to keep faith on baba. .....Sometime also complained to baba and was not happy with him that things are not working...but at that time baba showed me some hope (like got call for interview, a interview round cleared, things move little). But things were still taking so long. Whenever I felt very bad and was loosing faith, read the Sai devotee experience/miracle on net, ask baba for his advice (http://www.shirdi-sai-baba.com/) and my faith was again firm. Actually reading devotee experience on net helped me a lot to keep faith on baba....
Now Baba showered blessings and I got a wonderful job(excellent role and work culture) with a salary (which was nearly impossible during this recession, 15% hike from previous salary, high figure ( which I thought in my mind, got without any negotiation), Even if company would have offered me 20% less from what they are offering I would have joined it happily. Our faith got more firm in baba...pray to baba that he keep his "Daya Drasti (Kripa) on all Sai devotees and and show right path" ....By baba grace, I have joined the new job and traveling to UK on 2 weeks business trip.
Sai Ram
you are really lucky that SAI BABA gives u darshan ,i wish ke baba meri bhi sune ......JAI SAI RAM
hi uyou are very luck ...i wish baba sab par aisi hi kripa karen
thoes student who are not succesful in there study, they can do ,fell siridi sai baba and go to study using bivuti on fourhead,neack, the place where bindi use that ic middle of eyebro.if u remember siridi sai baba all time then you can fell the imagine,l am experienced.
sai shree sai jay jay sai
Really...Baba ..u r the great...I love you..plz bless me and my family like other and plz bless everybody..jai bolo sai maharaj ki jai...jai bolo sai maharaj ki jai...jai bolo sai maharaj ki jai....
Baba..Save us baba...We r ur child....bhul chuk maaf karo..hamesha haath apka hum sab pe rahe...jai bolo sai maharaj ki jaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Sri Sai Nath maharaj Ki Jai ho.
My name is monika.Today only i finished Sri SaiSatcharitra,I completed the book within a week with this hope that sai nath maharaj will takecare of my problems and will make my life better.
Whole week i read the book and there were incidences where in i felt that theres some strange feeling that is around me that feeling was so strong n had positive vibes in it.Some times few stories made me cry n gave me hope that bad time wont last for long.
With this hope i was continuing reading the book.Today in the morning after doing puja and serving prasad to sri sai baba in my home temple,i went to my neighbours place to give them prasad too.I returned after few minutes.Then suddenly the door bell rang, opened the door n found a guy is standing there and wanted me to accept the vibhuti he has got for me,I enquired him as who has sent him thn he said there was a man who outside who told me to do so,i was a bit scared and shaking everything was happening so fast,he uttered my name n address i said its correct and finally i took the vibhuti from him and applied it on my forehead n thank god for giving me his blessing n accepting my puja.
It was an overwhelming experience which made me more close to sri sai baba.my belive my trust my faith in him has increased a lot now and i know he will guide me always and protect me from all the harms.
Sri sai nath maharaj ki jai.
I really feel overwhelmed and very happy going through the experiences of the blessed devotees. If given a chance i would go through the experiences in net whole day. I am a newbie in baba's world and have been going to baba's temple only from past 3-4 months. I came to know about Sai baba when I was 12-13 year old and I had lot of faith and respect on him. But we didnt had the Sai mandir around. But being a devotee of Lord Dattatreya since childhood, I have habbit of gathering as much information possible on Lord Dattatreya in net. The day I came to know that Saibaba is none other than my sweet lord Dattatreya who has been taking care of me and my family in good and bad times, I started to read more about Saibaba and other avatara's of Dattatreya (Sadguru Swami Samartha, Sadguru Krishna saraswathi, Sadguru Vasudevananda Saraswathi, Sadguru Sreedhara Swami maharaj and many others). incidentally, like a miracle i found a newly built Sai mandir near (1.5 kms) my house in Bangalore. I felt very happy and blessed to see the mandir so spacious and pleasent that you feel like out of this word. That temple had a sweet little Dattatreya murthi in the front and I had nothing more to ask. during this time my father was diagnosed with a serious health problem. I was so abset and didnt knew what to do. I decided that I would leave everything to lord Datta and Sainath to decide and guide me. I took my father and my family to Sai mandir and told Sainath that I am keeping everything I believ I have (which is my family and nothing else) under your holy feet and from today on you Datta avatari decide as what is good and what is bad and guide us. Since then we started visiting the temple regularly. My father underwent a major surgery and follow up therapies. Doctors had told that there would be complexities and side effects. But due to blessings and grace of Lord datta and Sainath all these went so well with very little complexities and side effects. My father is now recovering and hopefully he would be alright. Now he is quite ok and I am taking him along with my family to mandir on Thursday to attend the dhoop arathi. Everyone enjoys it a lot and finds peace and happiness. May godess Banashankari, Gurudeva Datta and Sainath always have Kripadrishti on all of us, guide us in righteous path and bless us with good health, Sadbhakti and peace of mind. Sarve jana Sukhino bhavantu. Jai Sainath, Jai gurudeva Datta.
I started writing Shri Shirdi Sai Baba's name everyday. I wrote his name SAI for 1 crore times.
I started that book on DUSHEERA - 6 Oct, 2011 being Thursday. I finished writing that book on 21 st December 2011 also being a Thursday. Once you are done with the book, offer food to people on Thursday.
Just a day before finishing the book, i.e on Wednesday night I realized that the next Thursday is with Vishaaka Nakashtra (thats my birth nakshatra). According astrology, any work done with ones birth nakshatra falling on a Thursday is auspicious.
Secondly, I finished that book in 78 days = 7 + 8 = 15. 1 + 5 = 6. 6 is the lucky number for librans.
I simply love Sai baba, his name itself strengths me and make my life easier and smoother.
All the name in our house are names after him. Like Sai Kiran, Shirisha, Sai Vrushank, Sai Sudeep, Sai Dudin, Sai Satvik etc ...
May baba have his immense blessings on all of us... I totally surrender myself to him ...
Aap sab bade khushkismat hain jo baba apke itne karib hain. Mere bhi bade paap khatam kiye hain baba ne. per mujhe lagta hai meri bhakti baba ne sawikar nahi ki hai, aap sab please mujhe ek favour kar dein, Baba se mere liye prathna karde k Baba meri bhakti bhi sawikar kar lein, nahi to mujhe batayein ki Baba mujhse kaisi bhakti chahte hain. Please jo bhi isko padhe, baba se prathna jaroor krna, Baba aap sab pe meharbaan ho. Jai Shri Sai Nath....mere Dina Nath..
I have a great experience chanting "om sree sai nathaya namaha". I had to take some exam first time when I took I had 100% confident that I will get through but could not then next time I started with chanting "om sree sai nathaya namaha" where i could achieve what I wanted.
I read sai parayana every month it gives great pleasure and peace. Some time I do get baba in dream and I will be talking to him.
i am a sai devotee.in 2012 we went to shirdi.train was late by 18 hrs,the weather was very bad& we had to stay in the waiting room.by baba;s grace only one room was vacant,we took rest there.i did 9weeks sai vrath in 2012,i had several difficulties in my work place,&i got transferred to another place ,by babas grace, isaw baba several times in my dreams,in the form of shiva,goddess parvathi&ganesha,i feel baba is alwys with me,
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