Aum Sadguru SaiNathaya Namaha !
One dedicated Sai devotee mailed me for Eleven Assurance of Shirdi Sai Baba in Hindi or Devnagari Script. He wants the same because he wants to distribute pocket size Aarti books in English, Hindi and Telugu Languages.
Am putting the eleven assurance of Sai Baba in Original Marathi Script and translation of the same in Hindi and English.
The devotee Sai Vishnu who needs it, is U.S.A and is available for Sai Bhajans in New York City and New Jeresey.
Alternately those who would like to distribute such books the best option would be to buy them from Shirdi Sai Sansthan. Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthaan, Shirdi publications are available at subsidized rates. One can look at whole list of publication here.
Below the the 11 Assurance of Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba in Marathi script.
(The Marathi script and meaning in Hindi is written exactly as it appears in the Shri Sadaguru Sainath Sagunaapaasna (श्री सदगुरू साईनाथ सगुणापासना ) by Shri Bhisma a part of publication of Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust Shirdi. This is a very good book a part of List of good Shirdi Sai Baba books.)
Those who are in love of Sai Aartis should buy the above book from Shirdi Sansthan as it contains all aartis of Shri Sai Baba in Marathi script and also meaning in Hindi.
11 Assurance of Shirdi Sai Baba - Marathi
श्री सदगुरु साइनाथ के ग्यारह वचन ।
शिर्डीस ज्याचे लागतील पाय ।
टळती अपाय सर्व त्याचे । || १ ||
माझ्या समाधीची पायरी चढेल ।
दुःख हे हरेल सर्व त्याचे । || २ ||
जरी हे शरीर गेलो भी टाकून ।
तरी भी धावेन भक्तासाठी || ३ ||
नवसास माझी पावेल समाधी ।
धरा दूढ बुद्धी माझ्या ठायी || ४ ||
नित्य भी जिवंत जाणा हेंची सत्य ।
नित्य ध्या प्रचीत अनुभवे || ५ ||
शरण मज आला आणि वाया गेला ।
दाखवा दाखवा ऐसा कोणी || ६ ||
जो जो मज भजे जैसा जैसा भावे ।
तैसा तैसा पावे मीही त्यासी || ७ ||
तुमचा भी भार वाहीन सर्वथा ।
नव्हे हें अन्यथा वचन माझे || ८ ||
जाणा येथे आहे सहाय्य सर्वास ।
मागे जे जे त्यास ते ते लाभे || ९ ||
माजा जो जाहला काया वाचा मनी ।
त्याचा मी ऋणी सर्वकाल || १० ||
साई म्हणे तोचि, तोचि झाला धन्य ।
झाला जो अनन्य माझ्या पायी || ११ ||
11 Assurances of Shirdi Sai Baba - Hindi
शिर्डी की पावन भूमि पर पाँव रखेगा जो भी कोई ।
तत्क्षण मिट जाएंगे कष्ट उसके, हो जो भी कोई || १ ||
चढे़गा जो मेरी समाधी की सीढी ।
मिटेगा उसका दुःख और चिंताएँ सारी || २ ||
गया छोड़ इस देह को फिर भी ।
दौड़ा आऊंगा निजभक्त हेतु || ३ ||
मनोकामना पूर्ण करे यह मेरी समाधि ।
रखो इस पर विश्वास और द्रढ़ बुद्धि || ४ ||
नित्य हूँ जीवित मैं, जानो यहाँ सत्य ।
कर लो प्रचीति, स्वंय के अनुभव से || ५ ||
मेरी शरण मैं आके कोई गया हो खाली ।
ऐसा मुझे बता दे, कोई भी एक सवाली || ६ ||
भजेगा मुझको जो भी जिस भावः से ।
पायेगा मुजको वह उसी भाव से || ७ ||
तुम्हारा सब भार उठाँऊंगा मैं सर्वथा ।
नहीं इसमें संशय, यह वचन है मेरा || ८ ||
मिलेगी सहाय यहाँ सबको ही जानो ।
मिलेगा उसको वही, जो भी मांगो || ९ ||
हो गया जो तन मन वचन से मेरा ।
ऋणी हूँ में उसका सदा-सर्वथा ही || १० ||
कहे साई वही हुआ धन्य-धन्य ।
हुआ जो मेरे चरणों से अनन्य || ११ ||
11 Assurance Shirdi Sai Baba - English
Whoever steps on the sacred land of Shirdi,
his sufferings will end immediately.
whoever climbs the steps of my Samadhi
end will come to his miseries and afflictions.
Even though I have left my body
I will come running for my devotees.
Wishes and desires are fulfilled here at my Samadhi
keep faith and firm mind on it.
I am ever alive, know this truth
know this by the experience of your self
If anybody in refuge to me has gone empty
show me a single inquirer such as that.
Whoever devoted to me with any feelings
will receive me with the same feelings
I will carry your burden always
there is no doubt, this is my promise
Everybody will find help and support here
they will get what they ask for
Whoever becomes mine, with his body, mind and speech
I am indebted to him always and forever
He, who will become unique by the grace of my feet
will be ever grateful.
11 vachan in marathi is written all wrong.
At least confirm it before posting such religious blogs.
Pranam Anuji,
Many thanks for pointing out to a couple of script mistakes (mainly because they were not available on the blogger's editing, at the time it was posted)
The writer is much devoted and filled with gratitude towards Sai Baba, but does not know Marathi.
It would be very nice and generous of you, if you can point out the mistakes (if any) and those can be rectified for reader's benefit :)
Om Shri Sai!
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