After my first experience in Shirdi, there was a great pull towards Shirdi and Sai Baba.There were frequent visits to Shirdi. Just being in Shirdi and sacred places like Samadhi Mandir, Dwarkamai or Masjid, Gurusthan, Chavadi was in itself a great experience with the divine vibrations felt.
Other than that, there was so little information i had about Sai Baba and Shirdi. So every book available in the market on Shirdi Sai Baba was picked up and read with great relish.
Internet was browsed through, pictures of Sai Baba and Shirdi were downloaded. More and more information was read, available on the Internet. Most of the websites were gone through in details.
Searches on Internet were made with different key words combinations were tried out. Searching for the word Baba i had stumble upon (Read this >>>>) How to Love God in the most practical way by Meher Baba. Those few words had such profound and deep meaning that next few months were spent on reading anthology, great treasure there for those interested and dedicated to Spirituality.
Reason for the mind to remember this, is a line spoken today by a Sai Baba devotee (Rakesh), who has become my good friend since a year and a half. Earlier he used to visit a sports club were i used to run a restaurant. He always saw Shri Sai SatCharitra in my hand and being the owner i used to give a glance on the work going on in the restaurant, go out in the lawn, sit on a chair and read Shri Sai Charitra or Gopel of Sri Ramakrishna. Well most of the days we were out of business and this was perfect way to spend the idle time for me. Though few times if a friend who played tennis happened to come there, there were couple of sweating hours, on the tennis court. Seeing my constant companion Shri Sai SatCharitra he had introduced himself as a Sai Baba devotee.
Rakesh is a devotee Sai Baba have made friend with me who takes care of lot of Baba related work. Free Sacred Udi and Shri Sai SatCharitra, which are sent to the devotees all over India are actually brought by him from Shirdi and packed and parceled by him. i was reluctant to start this service as i seldom leave home and most of the time is occupied in meditation or reading. He assured me that he will do the work and since many devotees had been sent the sacred book and Baba's Udi from Shirdi. Lately after seeing the devotion he has presented me with some treasures (spiritual treasures) he had got from Shirdi.
He had been for a work of service today. About 1,500 students, blind, orphans, physically and mentally not so capable were taken to a fair for free joy rides, good meal and some presents. After the seva he visited my home and told me about it. Most students he said would have to be sited on the rides as they themselves were not capable of sitting. A wave of pain struck my heart as i listened to this. Than he said, he told his friend who had been present there for the seva(service), look you always cry about your misfortune, i don't think you should do it after seeing this.
This reminded me How to Love God by Meher Baba. i had taken out a print out of the same and had stuck it in my room and every morning i used to read it. A line from the same says
If, instead of worrying over our own misfortunes, we think ourselves more fortunate than many many others, we are loving God
This also reminds of a very good writing on Shirdi Sai Baba, which very difficult to find on Internet through search engines and i have not seen any other website or blog or group dedicated to Shirdi Sai Baba linking it. On this blog it has been linked from the right hand side side bar.
As a Sai Baba devotee he asked for
Baba preached at Shirdi all his life and performed numerous miracles to convince people that God exists. He healed people's diseases, provided moral and material comfort to his Devotees. Baba helped bring Unity and Harmony between all communities. He said that God is one, but called by different names. He said follow your own religion and seek the truth.
Sai Baba, Shirdi Sai Baba, Sai Baba Songs, Sai Baba Pictures, Sai Baba Wallpaper
om sai,,,,,nathaye,namah
om sai namo namah ....shri sai namo namah,
jai jai sai namo namah,sadguur sai namo namah
Sai Ram
GOD in any form, known by any name is but one.
Meher Baba is from Pune where I was born and I am now married to a distant relative of HIS. I am a devote follower of Shirdi SAI and Meher Baba. No religion teaches us any wrong - it is the humans who ditort the divine messages. To have SAIMEHER in your daily lives is in itself a blessing.
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Om Sai Ram!
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