This is in the continuation of the last post about Kushabhav's stories with Sai Baba in Shirdi.
Kusha spent three days in Shirdi, on the fourth day he asked the permission from Sai Baba to return to Miraj. Sadguru Sai Baba replied that He had not pulled him from Miraj for nothing.
Saibaba asked him to sit in a corner and with simple and loving words told him that the occult powers like maran, uchatan and vashikaran would not take him on elevated spiritual states. His display of occult powers was like the prostitutes who display their body parts to attract lowly lusty feelings of the man. Saying this Sai Baba raised his foot and showed a painful growth under His feet. He gave a mystical statement and told that the painful growth under his feet has aggravated. He wanted that to be removed, but it will be removed once He returns to His village, 'This I Know'. Sai Baba continued, 'More than My body I protects my devotees, people harass Me, they don’t let me rest, but there is no remedy for the same.'
Sai Baba advised Kushabhav to remove the iron bracelet charged with occult powers and asked him to read and do parayan of Guru Leelamrit. Saibaba said, ‘Prayan of the sacred text, is what will come to his rescue in the end.
Kusha bhav readily followed the instruction of Sai Baba and removed and threw away the bracelet charged with the occult powers.
Some mystical words then slept out of the holy mouth of Sai Baba. He Said, ‘Thousands of years ago, I was here. This world is a merriment, for Me everybody is the same, but some has became the thieves, what should I do with that? The ones who are themselves standing on the death’s shore, they are wishing other’s death, preparing for other’s death, this enrages Me, dong thus these people hurt my emotions, yet I speak nothing, I sit silently, Ultimately God is great, God’s officers are everywhere, God is the most powerful, so Humans should accept the situations that God brings.”
After a brief pause Sai Baba said, “ I am very powerful, eight to ten thousand years ago I was present here.”
Sai Baba’s words were short meaningful but requires deep insight to understand them. Many a times these words were addressed to someone present around and give a message to him or her.
dear alpesh!it is written in Kapardhe's diary that the ulcer on the foot &people making SAI MAHARAJ restless referred to Kapardhe.i request you to many of the stories in Kaparde's diary be clarified in your blog so that people like me can understand more !eg transforming the lower part of HIS body to parrot etc
Aum Sai Ram,
Will refer to Kharpade's Dairy also while writing or dedicated a series on Shri Kharpade's dairy whatever Baba wishes.
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