॥ ॐ सांई राम ॥
॥ सदगुर साईनाथ महाराज की जय ॥
Since Sai Baba fulfills our desires He is so popular and praised among the devotees. First step to become Sai Baba's devotee is getting a desire fulfilled, or praying to Sai Baba or doing a vratta in the name of Holy Sai Baba and get out of a difficult and distracting situation.
Saibaba always used to say that , "I give people what they want so that I can give what I want to give them."
This statement has been repeated on this blog few times, and i remember a comment on a social sharing site that ' i wonder what he(Shri Sai Baba) wants to give?'
What Saibaba wants to give is a spiritual urge and interest in spiritual matters tat will lead the devotees to the spiritual progress, untill they melt and merge into the divine one. 'Be one with Me' Sai Baba used to say. Being one with Sai Baba is melting and merging in the divine reality.
Many would term that as spiritual attainment or divine attainment. That is the language of our ego or our wrong self, which is always after attaining something. It wants to attain power, it wants to attain security, it wants to attain peace. It even wants to attain divinity, which is impossible.
How can a small self always getting disturbed with petty things, it can get disturb with a single statement from somebody attain the greatest, "Divinity".?
But that is the wa our self works. Being petty it asks and thinks petty (little).
One petty desire is fulfilled, it asks for another,and this continues until one realizes that, what is important is not the fulfillment of desires but ending of desire itself.
When the petty self gets attacked by fear due to some insecurity, it goes to Sai Baba and most probably tells Sai Baba the solution of the problem. Baba if this thing happens, I will do this or that. And keep praying and remembering Sai Baba until that happens, get relived. The intensity of prayers and remembrance of Sai Baba or God or Divine reduces until another insecurity strikes and the petty self trembles from fear.
While asking and suggesting the solution to SaiBaba it forgets, that the solution is coming out of the petty self, and so has to be petty and temporary.
Why can't the mind say 'O Sai Baba i am in trouble, or my system is attacked by fear, please remove the fear, rather than giving Him the solution? Why can't it be humble enough in front of Sai Baba? That you have the solution and i cannot show you the solution to the problem. Most of the time we put more weight on our solutions rather than asking for His solution. Result! Sometimes when our solution does not happen, the self gets more stressed and goes to the point to even abuse the merciful Baba or saying that Sai Baba does not care (the saddest part). This result has nothing do with Sai Baba or the Divine, but for the love of the soution our petty self has created, which has to be petty,
The love of te petty self, which has the habit of going down due to petty reasons rules over the Divine. The result?
Would not it be better if we let the Divine will work on us and forget our self's will? Surrender to the Divine will, put more stress on Divine words fallen from Sai Baba's mouth like remembering God or Allah always. Reading holy scriptures and Sri Sai SatCharitra. Considering the Divine love over everything, everything our petty mind can produce as a solution to the so called Happy living.
The real solution comes when the Divine Love and Divine energy fills the self or erase the self, removes the insecurity and wants. The self that was insecure, always looking for this and that, thinking it would satisfy the needs, is lost! and only Divinity persists.
So rather than giving a solution to Sai Baba, why not say Baba i am troubled with a problem, i surrender the problem to you, i surrender the petty self to you and you fill it with Your Divine love, Your Divine protection, Your Divine devotion, and Your Divine Shakti (energy).
Bolo SatChit Anand SadGuru Shri SaiNath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Last Hanuman Jayanti April 19-20 my mom sat to recite 108 Hanman Chalisa in front of a Havan at my home. I was also pulled by the Havan and took Sai Baba picture and some dhoop of Loban and meditated on Sai Baba's picture along with the sacred energy from the scarf on the head and chanting of Sai Baba's mantras. Suddenly had an urge of writing took pen and a notebook and the above article happened. Today Thursday i copied and typed the same after praying to Baba to fill this article with His Divine Love and Grace.
Related article
How To Pray To Shirdi Sai Baba
How to love God
How our Beloved Guru Sri Sai Baba Works on us
Leave the results on Sai Baba as it happens because of His love
Nice one, Alpesh. You are turning out to be an Alpeshpant ;-)
Got this message this morning:
Devotion is Divine Love, unsullied by any tinge of desire for the benefit that flows from it, or the fruit or consequence of that love. It is love that knows no particular reason for its manifestation. It is of the nature of the love of the soul for the Oversoul; the river for the sea; the creeper for the tree, the star for the sky, the spring for the cliff down which it flows. It is sweet, in bad times as well as good. It is an unchanging attitude, a desirable bent of the mind, standing steady through joy and grief.—Satya Sai Baba, February 25, 1964
Sairam Alpesh wonderful post . .This is general approach one has ...in the end one forgets he is commanding(by prayer and rituals) the master who is the wirepuller of each and everything - Omnipotent .
baba guide us all
At the feet of my Sathguru Sai
SaiRam Alpesh,
The article you have written today is simply superb. Just superb. I can understand Baba has inspired you to write.
Keep up the good work.
May Baba bless you and help you to write more such articles.
Trish Jain said...
sairam bhaiya,
!st of all thanx for writing & sharing this wonderful article with all of us...amazing article ....reading this article i felt aapne mere man ki hi baat likhdi hai.... so very true
While asking and suggesting the solution to SaiBaba it forgets, that the solution is coming out of the petty self, and so has to be petty and temporary.
Why can't the mind say 'O Sai Baba i am in trouble, or my system is attacked by fear, please remove the fear, rather than giving Him the solution? Why can't it be humble enough in front of Sai Baba? That you have the solution and i cannot show you the solution to the problem. Most of the time we put more weight on our solutions rather than asking for His solution. Result! Sometimes when our solution does not happen, the self gets more stressed and goes to the point to even abuse the merciful Baba or saying that Sai Baba does not care (the saddest part). This result has nothing do with Sai Baba or the Divine, but for the love of the soution our petty self has created, which has to be petty,
The love of te petty self, which has the habit of going down due to petty reasons rules over the Divine. The result?
Would not it be better if we let the Divine will work on us and forget our self's will? Surrender to the Divine will, put more stress on Divine words fallen from Sai Baba's mouth like remembering God or Allah always. Reading holy scriptures and Sri Sai SatCharitra. Considering the Divine love over everything, everything our petty mind can produce as a solution to the so called Happy living.
The real solution comes when the Divine Love and Divine energy fills the self or erase the self, removes the insecurity and wants. The self that was insecure, always looking for this and that, thinking it would satisfy the needs, is lost! and only Divinity persists.
So rather than giving a solution to Sai Baba, why not say Baba i am troubled with a problem, i surrender the problem to you, i surrender the petty self to you and you fill it with Your Divine love, Your Divine protection, Your Divine devotion, and Your Divine Shakti (energy).
have had these same thoughts soo many times...... ki nahi i shld leave everything too baba....told him soo many times ki baba aap apni marzi ka karo.......inspite of knwing this bhaiya am very weak still hve to grow strong on baba ...
keep telling baba that let thy will be my will but when hve to face the situation head-on me get all shaky at the last moment & on one side am saying to baba do as u will as u knw whats best ...& the other moment my petty mind takes over & am like baba please let it happen this way .... it is like sailing in two boats at the same time rather my mind is like sitting on a see-saw on one end it is saying let thy will happen/let thy will be my will & on the other end it is saying pl let my will happen/let my will be ur will ...... it is striving for balance & that balance can only be attained when his grace shall dawn .. meri bhakti abhi bhi bahut kuchi hai.... wonder when his grace will dawn upon me
lesson learnt is hve to keep trying my best & hold on to his holy feet ... hve to take make effort and take that one step towards baba ... & the remaining distance he will cover himself
you have written this whole article so beautifully.... it deals so well with the conflicts that our mind keeps on hving .... it answers the querries that we have in our mind ...it is very very apt...... only if we stop giving our solutions to baba & let him do his will ....this article has beautifuly explains what baba has said in SSC
" My sarkar says "take, take" but everybody comes to me & says "give give" . Nobody attends carefully to the meaning of what i say. No one takes cognisance. My sarkar's treasury is overflowing. No one comes to fetch cart loads away. When I say "dig" no one dose so. No one wants to make efforts. I say dig up the wealth & plunder cart loads of it. The blessed son of true mother should fill his store with this wealth".
look at the irony of our lives we do not take what baba gives but give away what shuld be taken
May Baba always shower his choicest blessings & wisdom on u ..... may u always enlighten other souls wd each & evry post of urs.
Thanks baba for all the love & care u bestow on me.I am mesmerised by ur miracles.You keep assisting me at each and every instance of my life.I can only thank you a million times, but baba why you are still punishing me.How long should i cry baba.? I am tired of the issues i am facing.Please bestow your blessings and help me to cross this rocky river.
Your dear
Who says he fulfills desires or wishes? come to me . ask me .I have been begging him for years to fulfill only one simple wish of mine,but till now he has not even given a glimpse of that happening.I will tell you how big the pain is.He always tests me gives me pain.Being sincere,honest,and obidient son of him has brought only pain.I do not know what is that he is looking from me.I pray he take my life.Atleast i will be happy he fullfils one wish of mine by taking my life.
I always feel that you are with me.
But i am alone now.My father's condition is very serious.You know all things that we don't have enough money for his treatment.All devotee says to me that you can do well all things.We are facing this for last two years.Please show us the way.Because my father is a foundation of the house.I have nothing to explain you how much pain my family have.i know you can realize and see.I am posting this as a letter to you.Please help us.Please......
Dear Baba,
Please help me. I am in deep depression. I need your help very badly.
I need a job ASAP and you know that but why arent you helping me,.,s
why not even a sign of your blessings. What did I do wrong. So many worries are taking my peace away from me. All I need is your presence and blessing for me in each and every minute of my life. Before I run out of hope and believes in you please help me.
dear baba..pls help all of them..help me & my family as well...i luv u baba....vill always luv uuuuuuuuuu.....u r the best ...i know wat u gave me ...& many many thanks ...people baba vill definitely help u all...dont worryyyyy
Dear Baba, please help me and my brother, we are struggling with ravages of family disputes, financial hardship and peace of mind - nothing seems to be going right and it is very very heart wrenching when one seems totally at lose with all problems. Please please i beg you baba have mercy on my brother and I, bring peace and hope to us both, bring us the bright light of the universe which eludes us. Please let us have your presence in our lives and protect us from all negatives. Please baba show us the way and bring us both peace and show us way out of our many many problems. Bestow your miracle on us Sai Baba for you are the mother, father and family. Please come to us and stay and protect us from this very cruel world we live in. Go to my brother and bring him to the right path - heal him please. Thank you Baba.
Sai Mama koti koti pranams swikarkiye Guruji
Please help us in this difficult period n protect my family and showers ur blessing n grace on us
with ur grace n blessing my husband get a job
Thank You Sai Ma
Sai Babaji,
I surrender all my financial problems including huge debts to Thee. Baba, let Thy Will be done and not mine.
I started Parayan of Sai SatCharitra yesterday (Friday).
I have absolute faith on Baba, & i knew he is always with me. Sometimes, he test our patience, finally he helps. Because we are his children. I am currently facing severe financial mess, because of this , even my family disowned me. But I found baba ( when every one disowned by their own kith & kin god is taking control). I knew baba make me over come this crisis. Basically he loves all his childrens
dear sir,..and to trish ,..i totaly agree with u,..as i'm also the same,...one minute i cry my heart out n tell him i surrender totoly to u,..n then when something comes ..my lips will uttering his namah,n my mind will go haywire feeling scared n restless over what to do,...n at the end of the baba will show me a way to solve it....
i greatly beleive baba is always n no matter what ever our mistakes would be,he forgives n guides us always,...love u baba
Dear Baba,
Pls help me out in getting married.I worshppied alomst all the Gods but got no result..So,Pls pls help me out
I firmly believe in sathguru Saibaba. True devotion coupled with sincere prayers and shradda and saburi yields godly results, against all all evil odds either created by karma or by evil people
Baba please help me with the difficulties i am facing since years on my family front. please do help me, else atleast please take me to you, i dont need this life. please help me
OM Sai Nathaye Namaha
Baba please help my fiance in getting a good job.He is trying his utmost but i just dont know what is wrong with him.I cant see his problems...Please hepl us Sai Nath.Please hepl us!!!!!!!!
Hai Dear baba please do help me in getting married with my lover(sam) please and please help me in getting a nice job soon baba ....I cant live in my home please fulfill my wish..I want to get married with my man please and well settled soon please my lord. I have faith in u baba and i wont forget u in my lifetime and vl continue worshiping u.......Help me baba I love u baba
hey sai nath u r the only one who understand me nd my problems....u knw hw much i love my lover(sachin) nd want to marry him.....bt nothing is in my hand...he is my life nd i dnt want to live without him...plz do some miracle i completely surrender my love relation nd myself in ur feets...i m staunch believer of u nd i really bealive that u make my wish true early....love u sai nath.......ache h ya bure jaise bhi h hum aap hi k bache h subah sham aap hi k bharose rhte h...plz baba humare viswas ki laaz rakhna....love u so much baba....OM SHRI SAI NATHAYA NAMAH...
sai i have a strong faith in u.. baba pls solve my problem for ever since iam having a big problem in fetching a job for myself.. if it comes then it just goes in few months time..iam not having a stable job and now that iam over 40 iam finding a great difficulty in securing a job for myself though educated.. where ever iam going iam rejected baba.. pls baba i know you are there everywhere and you are always there to help me.. baba i had given an interview in an institution and hoped that i will be selected but no response from there as yet.. baba pls do some miracle that they call me back and i get a job with the institution.. sai ram pls help me i desperately need a job and i cannot say this to everyone.. only you are there to whom i tell everything.. i know baba i have done lots wrong and i realise it and i repent it.. pls give me one more opportunity to get one suitable job which will be stable for years.pls bless me baba i look at you baba..you have been there all through with me pls solve all problems that are coming in my way. apart from job problem i have anothr problem is i have frequent quarrels with my husband on trivial issues.. pls bless us both that we don't fight and quarrel with each other and we should live with each other in happiness and in peace. baba i know my husband is erratic in nature but he is otherwise a nice person.. pls forgive him for his doings.. i pray to you that pls bring my husband to your fold and make him your devotee..baba let love and peace rule my home and i want that my home to be a temple and you be there always in my home guiding us as our guru. baba pls bless me i get that job which i was mentioning to u little earlier and bless me and my husband that we live with each other in harmony and support and cooperate each other in every single action. pls bless us. sairam..baba u forgive everyone who comes to u and realises his/r mistakes.. pls forgive me also for my all wrong doings.. bol sai maharaj ki jai.. shirdiwale baba ki jai.. sairam
hey baba,
sorry for asking u again an dagain but please fullfill my wish sendme to india i want to meet my sis and visit ur temple.
its the faith in you that keeps me going...just chant sai remember him he will connect patience thats what is required.Its like we dial his tel nun he wil answer he will send a sign.
our desires are unlimited.they can never be fulfilled.they should be contr lle.sai is our beloved mother.our divine ma knows everything.the only thing is we should beconnected with our ma.this connection should be deep in our heart.if we are conectd deeply no need to worry .jai sai ma
plz sai help i am facing many dificulties yow know them i am putting all myself at your feet plz heplp me bring me out off all these problems
Hey Sai Nath...I just have this wish to fulfill as You have given me everything. You know how much I love him. Every time when i visited Shirdi or your temple to Lodhi Road asked for only one thing. Baba please use mana do please mere relation ko achcha kar do but every day it becoming worst and now its been 15 days I just have lost everything...I have lost him.
Baba please listen my prayers as I am loosing hope and trust. Please save me please help me out...please Baba
Hi Everyone !!!
Baba !!! no words can express his unconditional love towards all of us. Ihave always expereinced one thing when we live everything to baba , no doubt he would chose the best for us . So we need not scratch our head for anthing , wholeheartedly if we live it him . he will take care of us. He only expects true love from us . Please avaoid selfish prayers , just pray for becoming nearer to him . Then no doubt you will be blessed by him .
sai baba i believe in u.......... even i think that what ever till the day i have, just because of u. but now now baba u r not helping me u just leave my hand.............:( iam so sad baba ji.......... please help me sai baba plz help me..............
hi Sai ram,, you know i have being asking for my husband to come to me... for a long time now i am in an stage of pain and fear.... please come forward to help me baba... dont let him go from me........
i can only pray to you, and keep praying.. i believe in you, dont let me down... its almost 6 months past.. but thinks are not changing, fear is been increasing, baba pls come to help me....... change his mind to come and live with me baba......me and my parents are struggle a lot...please change him to live his all bad habits, and come to me to live a happy life........ pls baba....
babaji i have full faith in you. am parying wid full heart nad soul > i knw soon u will help me find a solution for the big problem my dad is going thru.
iknw a solution will cm in 2 days. i have full faith in u my sai ram. u r my only and only hope
pls be with me baba,take away all my pain and and the pain my parents is going through..
let me to live a life with the person whom i love.
pls guide me and my parents.
pls baba.
om sai ram.
Om Sairam! Thank you for elaborting on this matter. I used to be always confused as to how to pray to Sai and ended up suggested solutions to my problems to Sai. This even though I knew that Sai always said drop all your problems at my feet and have faith in me! But when one is in trouble we tend to just focus on the solution and the funny part is we are blissfully unaware that Sai has already solved our problem in his own way but our focus is still on the solution that we have decided upon. Thanks once again. It is a Thursdy today and I know it is Sai who has spoken to me through you. Om Sai Ram
Om Sai!
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