This is to be continued from Madhyana Arati.
Related post Sai Baba Aarti - Lyrics- videos- downloads - audio - meaning - free
(This is also known as the 'Maha Mantra'. This is a chanting of the names Ram and Krishna together with Hari, which is the principle name of Vishnu whose incarnations are Ram and Krishna), same as Noon aarti 6.
(Composed by Shri B.V. Deo, baba's devotee)
रुसो मम प्रियांबिका, मजवरी पिताही रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
मम - my
प्रियांबिका - beloved mother
मजवरी - on me, with me
पिताही - even father
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let my beloved mother get offended with me, let even my father get offended with me.
रुसो मम प्रियांगना, प्रियसुतात्मजाही रुसो ।।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
मम - my
प्रियांगना - beloved wife
प्रियसुतात्मजाही - even dear son and daughter (प्रिय- dear सुत- son आत्मजा- daughter ही- even)
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let my beloved wife get offended with me, let even my dear son and daughter get offended with me.
रुसो भगिनि बंधुही, श्व्शुर सासुबाई रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
भगिनि - sisters
बंधुही - even brothers
श्व्शुर - father in law
सासुबाई - mother in law
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let my sister and even my brother get offended with me, let my father in law and mother in law get offended with me.
न दत्तगुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 1 ।।
न - not
दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru
साइ - Sai
मा - mother
मजवरी - on me, with me
कधींही - anytime, ever
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
but Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
पुसो न सुनबाई त्या, मज न भ्रातृजाया पुसो ।
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
न - not
सुनबाई - respected woman daughter in law (सुन- daughter in law बाई- respected woman)
त्या - that
मज - me, for me
न - not
भ्रातृजाया - wife of brother, sister in law
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
Let that respected woman, my daughter in law, not care for my well being, let my sister in law not care for my well being.
पुसो न प्रिय सोयरे, प्रिय सगे न ज्ञाती पुसो ।।
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
न - not
प्रिय - dear, beloved
सोयरे - far relatives, step relatives
प्रिय - dear, beloved
सगे - near relatives, direct relatives
न - not
ज्ञाती - people of my tribe
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
Let my beloved relatives, near and far, not care for my well being, let people of my tribe not care for my well being.
पुसो सुहृद ना सखा, स्वजन नाप्तबंधू पुसो ।
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
सुहृद - well wisher, well hearted person
ना - not
सखा - friend, companion
स्वजन - my own people
नाप्तबंधू - not brothers in relation, not cousins (ना- not आप्तबंधू- brothers in relation, cousins)
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
Let my well wisher not care for my well being, Let my friend, my own people, my brothers in relation not care for my well being.
परी न गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 2 ।।
परी - but
न - not
गुरु - Guru
साइ - Sai
मा - mother
मजवरी - on me, with me
कधींही - anytime, ever
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
but Let not my Guru Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
पुसो न अबला मुलें, तरुण वृद्घही ना पुसो ।
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
न - not
अबला - dependent women
मुलें - children
तरुण - young
वृद्घही - even the old
ना - not
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
Let dependent women and children not care for my well being, let the young and even the old not care for my well being.
पुसो न गुरु धाकुटें, मज न थोर साने पुसो ।।
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
न - not
गुरु - honorable respected persons
धाकुटें - young inexperienced people
मज - me
न - not
थोर - great
साने - small people
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
Let honorable respected persons as well as the young inexperienced people not care for my well being, let the great as well as small people not care for my well being.
पुसो नच भलेबुरे, सुजन साधुही ना पुसो ।
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
नच - verily not, indeed not
भलेबुरे - good virtuous as well as bad people
सुजन - good people
साधुही - even the sages
ना - not
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being
Let indeed, the good virtuous as well as the bad people not care for my well being, let the good people and even the sages not care for my well being.
परी न गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 3 ।।
परी - but
न - not
गुरु - Guru
साइ - Sai
मा - mother
मजवरी - on me, with me
कधींही - anytime, ever
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
but Let not my Guru Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
रुसो चतुर तत्ववित्, विबुध प्राज्ञ ज्ञानी रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
चतुर - clever, intelligent
तत्ववित् - the knowers of the absolute reality
विबुध - men of learning
प्राज्ञ - wise, insightful, men of wisdom
ज्ञानी - knowledgeable persons, possessors of knowledge
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let clever people and the knowers of absolute reality get offended with me, let men of learning and wisdom and possessors of knowledge get offended with me.
रुसोहि विदुषी स्त्रिया, कुशल पंडिताही रुसो ।।
रुसोहि - let even get cross, let even get displeased, let even get offended
विदुषी - educated, intellectual woman
स्त्रिया - women
कुशल - expert
पंडिताही - even expert women, even proficient women
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let even educated intellectual women get offended with me, let even expert proficient women get offended with me.
रुसो महिपती यती भजक तापसीही रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
महिपती - rulers, kings
यती - Bhikshus, wandering sanyasis living on alms
भजक - worshippers of god
तापसीही - even ascetics, even people practicing devout austerities
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let the kings as well as the wandering sanyasis (living on alms) get offended with me, let worshippers of god and even people practicing devout austerities get offended with me.
परी न गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 4 ।।
परी - but
न - not
गुरु - Guru
साइ - Sai
मा - mother
मजवरी - on me, with me
कधींही - anytime, ever
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
but let not my Guru Sai, my mother, ever get offended with me.
रुसो कवि ऋषी मुनी, अनघ सिद्घ योगी रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
कवि - poets
ऋषी - sages, sires
मुनी - ascetics
अनघ - sinless, faultless
सिद्घ - siddhas, accomplished souls, self realised souls
योगी - practicers of yoga (yogis)
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let all the poets, sages and ascetics get offended with me, let the sinless accomplished souls and practicers of yoga (yogis) get offended with me.
रुसो हि गृहदेवता, नि कुलग्रामदेवी रुसो ।।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
हि - even
गृहदेवता - tutelary god, home god, god protecting one's home
नि - and
कुलग्रामदेवी - family and village goddesses
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let even my home god get offended with me and let my family and village goddesses get offended with me.
रुसो खल पिशाच्चही, मलिन डाकिनीही रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
खल - low, vile, bad, evil
पिशाच्चही - even the ghost, even the devil
मलिन - dirty, filthy, foul, fallen.
डाकिनीही - even the female ghost, even the witch
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let even the bad ghost get offended with me, let even the fallen witch (female ghost) get offended with me.
न दत्तगुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 5 ।।
न - not
दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru
साइ - Sai
मा - mother
मजवरी - on me, with me
कधींही - anytime, ever
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
but Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
रुसो मृग खग कृमी, अखिल जीवजंतू रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
मृग - beasts or quadrupeds, animals, deers, antelopes
खग - one traversing in the sky, birds
कृमी - worms, insects
अखिल - all, entire
जीवजंतू - creatures
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let the animals, birds and insects get offended with me, let all creatures get offended with me.
रुसो विटप प्रस्तरा अचल आपगाब्धी रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
विटप - trees
प्रस्तरा - stones
अचल - immovable objects
आपगाब्धी - rivers and oceans (आपगा- rivers अब्धी- oceans)
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let the trees, stones and immovable objects get offended with me, let the rivers and oceans get offended with me.
रुसो ख पवनाग्नि वार अवनि पंचत्तवें रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
ख - space, sky
पवनाग्नि - air and fire
वार - water
अवनि - earth
पंचत्तवें - the five elements
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let space, air, fire, water and earth get offended with me, let all the five elements get offended with me.
न दत्त गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 6 ।।
न - not
दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru
साइ - Sai
मा - mother
मजवरी - on me, with me
कधींही - anytime, ever
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
but Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
रुसो विमल किन्नरा अमल यक्षिणीही रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
विमल - pure, noble
किन्नरा - heavenly kinnara demigoddesses (Kinnaras are demigods living on the kinnara planet)
अमल - intoxicating
यक्षिणीही - even the female Yaksha demonesses (Yakshas are semi-pious demons, born from Lord Brahma)
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let the noble heavenly kinnara demigoddess get offended with me, let even the intoxicating female Yaksha demonesses get offended with me.
रुसो शशि खगादिही, गगनि तारकाही रुसो ।।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
शशि - moon
खगादिही - even the sun and other planets (खग- sun आदि- and other ही- even)
गगनि - in the sky
तारकाही - even the stars, even the luminiaries
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let even the moon, sun and other planets get offended with me, let even the stars in the sky get offended with me
रुसो अमरराजही अदय धर्मराजा रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
अमरराजही - Lord Indra also, the king of gods also
अदय - merciless, pitiless
धर्मराजा - Lord Yamadev, Yamaraj, Lord of death and Hellish planets
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let Lord Indra (the king of gods) also get offended with me, let the merciless Yamaraj (lord of death & hellish planets) get offended with me.
न दत्त गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 7 ।।
न - not
दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru
साइ - Sai
मा - mother
मजवरी - on me, with me
कधींही - anytime, ever
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
but Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
रुसो मन सरस्वती, चपलचित्त तेंही रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
मन - mind
सरस्वती - Goddess of learning, speech
चपलचित्त - unstable intellect, fickle intellect, restless intellect
तेंही - that also
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let my own mind and speech get offended with me, let my restless intellect also get offended with me
रुसो वपु दिशाखिला कठिण काल तोही रुसो ।।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
वपु - body, shape, form
दिशाखिला - all the ten directions
कठिण - diifficult, insurmountable
काल - time, period
तोही - that also, it also
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let my own body and all the ten directions get offended with me, let the insurmountable time also get offended with me
रुसो सकलविश्वही मयि तु ब्रहृगोलं रुसो ।
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
सकलविश्वही - entire world also (सकल - entire विश्व- world ही- even, also)
मयि - in me, with me
तु - but, even
ब्रहृगोलं - universe
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let the entire world also get offended with me, let even the universe get offended with me.
न दत्त गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 8 ।।
न - not
दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru
साइ - Sai
मा - mother
मजवरी - on me, with me
कधींही - anytime, ever
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
but Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
विमूढ़ म्हणुनी हंसो, मज न मत्सराही डसो ।
विमूढ़ - foolish
म्हणुनी - calling
हंसो - let laugh
मज - me
न - not
मत्सराही - even anger, even jealousy, even envy, even hostility
डसो - stung, bitten
Let all people laugh at me calling me foolish, even then let me not get bitten by anger and jealousy.
पदाभिरुचि उल्हसो, जननकर्दमीं ना फसो ।।
पदाभिरुचि - liking unto your holy feet (पदा- holy feet अभि- unto, towards रुचि- liking, delight)
उल्हसो - become delightfull, become joyfull, become pleasureable
जननकर्दमीं - in the mud of worldly existence (जनन- birth, life, existence कर्दमीं- in the mud, in the swamp)
ना - not
फसो - get caught, get entangled, get trapped
Let the liking i have unto your holy feet, become joyfull for me, let i not get caught in the mud of worldly existence.
न दुर्ग धृतिचा धसो, अशिवभाव मागें खसो ।
न - not
दुर्ग - fort
धृतिचा - right conduct, righteousness (as declared in the shastras)
धसो - fall down
अशिवभाव - unholy passions, impure feelings (अशिव- inauspicious, unholy, impure भाव - feelings, passions)
मागें - behind, in the background
खसो - let fall down, let tumble down
Let the fort of right conduct not fall down, let unholy passions tumble down behind.
प्रपंचि मन हें रुसो, दृढ विरक्ति चित्तीं ठसो ।। 9 ।।
प्रपंचि - worldly engagements, worldly indulgence
मन - mind
हें - this
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
दृढ - firm, strong
विरक्ति - virakti, dispassion
चित्तीं - in the intellect, in the mind and heart
ठसो - let get impressed, let get inscribed
Let this mind get offended with worldly indulgence, let firm dispassion (towards worldly existence) get inscribed in my mind and heart.
कुणाचिहि घृणा नसो, न च स्पृहा कशाची असो ।
कुणाचिहि - of anybody
घृणा - envy, hatred
नसो - let there be no
न - no
च - also, even
स्पृहा - wish, desire, longing, covetousness
कशाची - of anything, for anything
असो - Let there be
Let there be no hatred of anybody, also let there be no longing for anything
सदैव हृदयीं वसो, मनसि ध्यानिं साई वसो ।।
सदैव - always
हृदयीं - in the heart
वसो - let reside, let stay, let dwell
मनसि - in the mind
ध्यानिं - in meditation, in reflection, in contemplation
साई - Sai baba
वसो - let reside, let stay, let dwell
Let Sai baba always reside in my heart, let Sai baba dwell in my mind and contemplation.
पदीं प्रणय वोरसो, निखिल दृश्य बाबा दिसो ।
पदीं - at the holy feet, for the holy feet
प्रणय - love, affection, fondness
वोरसो - let flow incessantly
निखिल - whole, entire, everything
दृश्य - sight, vision, that is visible
बाबा - baba
दिसो - let be seen
Let my love for your holy feet flow incessantly, let Baba be seen to me in everything that is visible
न दत्तगुरु साइ मा, उपरी याचनेला रुसो ।। 10 ।।
न - not
दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru
साइ - Sai
मा - mother
उपरी - above, made above
याचनेला - with the humble request
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, get offended with my humble request made above.
धूपरतीचा कार्यक्रम संपूर्ण ।
Thanks, Alpesh; was totally impressed by all that Devanagari!
Guess you used Blogger's Transliteration button to the max :-)
No Mr. Shastri it was copy paste as mentioned in the first post of this series. The hard work is done by some other devotee, i did tried after you recommended the Devanagri Script in Blogger's Transliteration but found it too tiring and had to leave it. I also tried Vishnu Shahasranaam in Devnagari script but had to leave that too as some scripts from Shlokas were too difficult to convert.
What ever you did it doesn't matters. But what you did its really marvels. I was searching for this from long time. really you did good job thanks for posting this. May baba bless you tersure of happiness in you life...............
Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram.........
Thank you thank you so much for this. cannot tell you what this means for someone who does not know marathi.
Thank you, Alpesh for your effort in transliteration. Very good job. Found it very useful. Thanks once again.
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