Today morning had a wonderful experience of bathing Sai Baba's Statue at the local temple. Had did it for few days about a couple of years ago, since yesterday something was telling me go in the morning and enjoy the experience of bathing Baba. Usually on Fridays in that temple there are very few people for bathing Sai Baba's Statue as the temple remains from early morning till late night with heavy rush on Thursdays and the care takers of the temple are exhausted. Today also when i reached the temple early in the morning , at about 6.15 there was only one person for giving the bath, i joined him after lighting some incense sticks.
After returning from that wonderful experience, i came in my room and as my eyes fell on Sai Baba's picture, the mind was about to say, look Baba i gave you a bath. And thankfully it did not came that way. It came out, thank you Sai, for calling me and giving me a great opportunity for giving you a bath. This also reminded me on the post that is half way, the post about expounding of a verse from Bhagwat Gita by Sai Baba to Nanasaheb Chandorkar, where Sai Baba explains about the term Seva(Service), that seva does not just means services like massaging legs, and other physical services to SadGuru, but one must feel that the mind body and everything is surrendered to SadGuru. So it exist only for his service.
Somehow we miss this point a lot of time. The I is always ahead. I went to temple. I bowed to God or Guru. I read Sai Satcharitra. I offered prasad and in everything if I comes first it is useless. It should be God you compassion brought me to temple, your grace enabled me to read Sai Satcharitra or any other Holy scripture, with your grace and guiding i am lucky enough to offer you prasad.
Also the bathing part reminds me of an incident that happened in Shirdi. The pujaris at Shirdi every morning gives bath to Sai Baba Statue or Murti. Once the Pujari was not careful enough and by mistake he dropped the vessel with which the water was poured on Sai Baba's Idol. The vessel had fell on Sai Baba's leg. The pujari had forgot all about it. He somehow developed pain in his leg which troubled him much for a couple of days and no remedy seemed to work. Then he got a dream where Sai Baba appeared and ask him about the pain. Sai Baba then told him that he had given him pain just to let him know that the vessel that he dropped on his leg gave him pain, of which the pujari was unware and was quiet oblivious about the dropping of it on Sai Baba's leg while bathing him, thinking it to be a non living marble statue. Sai Baba asked him to be more cautious and the pujari's pain was gone.
Om Sai Ram
It was indeed a memorable experience which you had this morning. Baba our holy father calls each one of his children and gives them the oppurtnuity to serve him. Last night aarthi (Thursday's Shej aarthi) we too surprislingly had the blessings of BABA to wave Charmar Thanks to BABA for everything and let our holy father be with all his children always.
Very nice, Alpesh.
Sri Ramakrishna says: If you want to serve properly, you should completely forget yourself
I have recently started reading Sai Baba's teachings and life from the online book called "Shree Sai SatCharitra" which i beleive that it's the most popular book. It's very interesting, though I've been looking for the book itself that i can buy and read it even when i am away from the computer. Can anyone tell me where i can buy the book from? I live in USA so i was wondering if I can buy it online or from any temple in New Jersey - Jersey city.
On Shri Sai Namah
You can find more online resource on Sai SatCharitra Here
and hard copy you might get it from www.saibaba.org/ if you are in USA
Om Sai Ram
I already have an online version of the book and i looked for the hard copy on the website you specified above but they do not hold the same book. They have other books but i want to start off with the "shri sai SatCharitra". Thnk you for your help! I will keep looking. Let me know if you find anything useful for me please.
Check out https://gpcslave5.gpcinet.com/scart/shop.shopping_cart.init
for U.S.A
sai ram baba pls help me its been fours year of our marriage but i dont have a child pls baba bless me .
Baba please help me I'm in big financial problem. I'm about to lose every thing.I need your blessings.
Jai Sai Ram.
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Om Sai Ram!
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