Have started writing another blog love quote / love poems. It will be a collection of quotes, mostly spiritual quote on love. Incidentally while reading Sai SatCharitra chapter 9 there is a very nice story of Sai Baba revealing the highest quality of love.
The story is of Mrs. Tarkhad. Mrs. Tarkhad was in the sacred land Shirdi. One afternoon she was sitting in dining hall; food was served and everybody was about to begin, when suddenly a hungry dog came to the door where Mrs. Tarkhad sat. She at once gave a quarter of bhakhri ( Indian Bread) to the dog. But at the same time there also came a hungry pig, smeared all with mud, she fed even the pig with some Bhakhri.
It all happened so naturally that she forgot all about it. But in the afternoon Sai Baba himself brought up the subject. In afternoon, after the lunch, when the lady came to the mosque (Dwarkamai) as usual and sat down at some distance, Sai Baba said to her affectionately, “ Mother you fed me today and with all that food my stomach is full, almost to my throat. I was suffering acutely from hunger but you appeased me by giving me food. “ This is you should always do. For truly, this alone will stand you in good stead. It can never be, that sitting here in the mosque, I would speak untruth. “ Always have such compassion. First feed those who are hungry then eat yourself. Preserve this truth carefully in your heart.”
The lady could not understand what Sai Samarth was saying. What could he mean? For, Sai Baba's words are never without significance! So she said, ‘ How is it possible that I have given you food? I myself depend on others and eat whatever I get, after paying a price for it.’
“ After eating the Bhakhri, given to me so lovingly, I am satiated most truly, - nay I am still belching ( In olden days in India, when the guest was invited to a meal the host would fed him to the point of satiety, of which belching was indication) with satiation. “When you sat down to lunch, you suddenly saw that a hungry dog with a an empty stomach, who came to door know that I am one with him. “ And also the pig the pig you saw suffering from pangs of hunger, and smeared all with mud, -- I am one with him too!”
Sai Baba, “Know, that I like only him who sees me in all living beings. So give up the sense of differentiation. This is the way to worship me.”
The mention of hungry dog in this story reminded the writer of the preface of his blog, where also a hungry dog, a small hungry puppy was a part of that post.
Thanks, Alpesh.
This was the very first story i read about Shirdi Sai Baba and it made a tremendous impression/impact on me.
fantastic story out there...
really Alpesh it is something worth doing...
The true love is shared to every individual irrespective of humanbeings and animals that is Sai Sathguru...! Venu
Awesome Preaching!!! Each n aevery person must follow
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