Sai Baba in Sai SatCharitra chapter 28
"I require no door to enter. I have no form nor any extension; I always live everywhere. I carry on, as a wirepuller, all the actions of the man who trusts Me and merges in Me."
Was meditating on Sai Baba’s picture. How selfish are we, when in trouble we run to Sai Baba, we run to God, look out for prayers and ways of meditating and chant mantras and read religious and sacred books like Sai SatCharitra. Once the troubles are over, the agony is over, the disturbance is over, and we tend to give importance to other things forgetting all, which held us in those disturbing times.
Same happened with me, when I was going through tough times, going through agony as always I was meditating on Sai Baba’s picture, and praying to him, talking with him, to remove the agony, to remove the disturbance. As is the characteristic of the merciful Fakir, it got over with his grace. During those times a thought had come, so great is Sai Baba’s grace and love, only by looking at SaiBaba’s photo so much happens. Looking wholeheartedly, with the intensity and it is natural that during the tough times the intensity is always more.
After the whole system was cleared of disturbance and agony, I forgot what had crossed my mind that time, that of watching Sai Baba’s picture daily for at least an hour or reading Sai SatCharitra and allow the energy created by it, through the grace received through it. Accepting the grace, simple deed of just watching Sai Baba’s picture and letting his grace work, or read the sacred book Sai Sat Charitra and letting Sai Baba’s grace work was overlooked. And again the tough times emerged, the agony emerged, the disturbance emerged.
Again in such time I did the only thing I know to do in such times. Surrender to Sai Baba’s will and watch his picture and let his grace work or read Sai SatCharitra. Two days it was there, and Sai Baba’s picture was telling me. Look, you are again suffering, this is my love for you. You forgot me, you did not sit in my company and I was missing you, so I had to give you little trouble. Your system is not yet cleaned, till you melt and merge in me I am not going to leave you. Same way a mother gives bitter medicines to her child for the child’s welfare, you have to taste some bitterness, when you forget to get your system cleansed. Once the system is cleansed there will be no difference between you and me. In fact, the me in you will be melted and all that will remain will be my infinite self.
"I require no door to enter. I have no form nor any extension; I always live everywhere. I carry on, as a wirepuller, all the actions of the man who trusts Me and merges in Me."
Was meditating on Sai Baba’s picture. How selfish are we, when in trouble we run to Sai Baba, we run to God, look out for prayers and ways of meditating and chant mantras and read religious and sacred books like Sai SatCharitra. Once the troubles are over, the agony is over, the disturbance is over, and we tend to give importance to other things forgetting all, which held us in those disturbing times.
Same happened with me, when I was going through tough times, going through agony as always I was meditating on Sai Baba’s picture, and praying to him, talking with him, to remove the agony, to remove the disturbance. As is the characteristic of the merciful Fakir, it got over with his grace. During those times a thought had come, so great is Sai Baba’s grace and love, only by looking at SaiBaba’s photo so much happens. Looking wholeheartedly, with the intensity and it is natural that during the tough times the intensity is always more.
After the whole system was cleared of disturbance and agony, I forgot what had crossed my mind that time, that of watching Sai Baba’s picture daily for at least an hour or reading Sai SatCharitra and allow the energy created by it, through the grace received through it. Accepting the grace, simple deed of just watching Sai Baba’s picture and letting his grace work, or read the sacred book Sai Sat Charitra and letting Sai Baba’s grace work was overlooked. And again the tough times emerged, the agony emerged, the disturbance emerged.
Again in such time I did the only thing I know to do in such times. Surrender to Sai Baba’s will and watch his picture and let his grace work or read Sai SatCharitra. Two days it was there, and Sai Baba’s picture was telling me. Look, you are again suffering, this is my love for you. You forgot me, you did not sit in my company and I was missing you, so I had to give you little trouble. Your system is not yet cleaned, till you melt and merge in me I am not going to leave you. Same way a mother gives bitter medicines to her child for the child’s welfare, you have to taste some bitterness, when you forget to get your system cleansed. Once the system is cleansed there will be no difference between you and me. In fact, the me in you will be melted and all that will remain will be my infinite self.
dear alpesh,
this post of your is wonderful,i too feel the same way inside me. indeed it is during the times of trouble we run to Him and seek His help,His blessings are always there with us,we are all his dear children.
Sai Baba we love You.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
dear alpesh ,
This post is fentastist .I have found reality .Baba gives problems to keep us close to him .He tests us till we get into a saturated state .
Yes Sambhaviji and Dear Uday, so true
Hi Alpesh,
I have so far read only 1 article on your blog and I find it so awesome!!! I completely agree that we remember God/Guru only in times of distress and hopelessness... It is so wrong to do this. Wonderful blog!!! Thank you!
Alpesh, this is very happens all the times..and Baba helps us to get out of the stress and heals our problems and guides us to the right path.
By Reading Sai Satcharitra it gives us the positive energy and gives us hints to always remember and love our Sai.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai....
Love you mother Sai..
Sai is really merciful.
For me it was vice-versa. When in happy times in normal routine I m ever engross in baba’s thoughts & love.
When something goes against my wish I m shattered. I forget things baba taught & get impatient but today my merciful father let me read this & proved his thousand eyes are watching my every action & thoughts.
Grace be to all who remember him..
Love u baba
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