Sai Baba in Sri Sai SatCharitra chapter 25
SaiBaba, “ It is true that, you give to persons present but if none near-by, what could you or I do? But do you remember me before eating? Am I not always with you? Sai Baba in Sri Sai Charitra chapter 25
Yes Sai Baba is always with us. The god is always with us weather we know it or don’t know it. Weather we remember him or whether we don’t remember him. And Sai Baba asks us do we remember him before eating? Sai Baba asks us because most of us live a life of forgetfulness. Often most important and valuable things in life, are forgotten, are not given much importance in our life. Eating, one of the most important part of life, one who gets food regularly, becomes forgetful about it. We forget about the food provided and be thankful to us because we get it regularly and in abundance. Even while eating the food we might forget to be grateful for it, forget to offer it to Sai Baba. The mind might be busy in maybe gold, or something it is craving for. Naturally if the mind is craving for Sai Baba or love and grace of God, it will offer the food. To know the importance of food one has to go through the hunger. If food is not supplied for long, one knows the importance of it, nothing will seem, more important than the food.
It is same with the relationships also. In relations we don’t give heed to the care and love we receive. We get used to it, we tend to forget the value of it and offer it to Sai Baba and feel grateful. On the contrary, as is the characteristic of mind, it looks to get more out of relationship, it looks to get in accordance to it’s cravings and wishes. Water, trees, air, love, care, grace are the most valuable things of our life. It is on us to remember and thank Sai Baba for it, or just overlook the most important and valuable things of our life, and be lost in the cravings supplied by the society, the sansara. Often lost in the cravings we forget to feel the presence of Sai Baba with us, which is always with us. We might forget to read the invaluable book Sai SatCharitra and give more importance to the cravings and longings for money, respect, power and more supplied by society, the sansar. We might forget to have a calm and beautiful mind in order to have a beautiful body, which has to go one day. Of course body is also an invaluable gift and has to be taken care of, but not at the cost of calm and beautiful and grace accepting mind, a love-accepting mind. A beautiful body without a mind that feels gratefulness, which feels love, which feels care, which feels compassion, is not of much importance. A mind that goes to Sai Baba for it’s cravings and then forget to offer the most important and valuable aspects of life like love, compassion, food, water, wind, trees, grace which are always in abundance, has to wake up.
Do we remember Sai Baba always, who is Always with us? or we forget in other cravings and longings.
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